Set policy options for enhanced objective dates


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Role: HR Administrator

When team members create enhanced objectives in Performance Management, Sage People automatically populates the Start Date, Review Date, and End Date fields with values based on the settings in their policies. Team members can change the automatically populated values.

Sage People uses the following policy options in the Process Dates section to populate the fields:

Policy option Description Impact on the objective dates
Year Start Date Picklist. The business year's first day. Default date for new objectives. Used to populate the Start Date and End Date.
Year Start Month Picklist. The business year's first month. Default date for new objectives.
Months to New Year Rollover Number. The number of months before the end of the year when new objectives are assumed to belong to the coming year, not the current one. The end of year date is 12 months after the start of year, defined by Year Start Day and Year Start Month. Affects default dates only.

Sage People uses the following Policy options in the Objectives section to populate the fields:

Policy option Description Impact on objective dates
Objective Review Months Number. The default number of months between reviews. Sets a date for the first review to this number of months from the start of the company year. Used to populate the Review Date.

All other policy settings related to objectives on the HCM tab of the Policy page only apply to objectives in the WX Objectives process, not to enhanced objectives.