Performance Management email notifications

Role: HR Administrator

By default, Conversations and Enhanced Objectives send email notifications when new comments are added to a Conversation or when an Objective is activated or closed.

These email notifications are constructed from one or more Custom Labels. Sage People provides standard translations for the Custom Labels. You can modify both the English labels and the translations to suit your organization's needs.

If your organization does not need these notifications, you can turn them off, and configure your own emails.

Sage People provides Action Events and email templates to enable you to configure your own custom email notifications. Action Events are available as follows: 

  • Comment in a Conversation

    Event When sent Related object

    Added Send to Manager

    When a team member adds a comment to the Conversation with their manager or to one of their objectives.


    Added Send to Team Member

    When a manager adds a comment to their Conversation with the team member, or to one of the team member's objectives.

  • Enhanced Objectives:


    When sent

    Related object

    Closed Send to Manager

    When an objective is closed by a team member.


    Closed Send to Team Member

    When an objective is closed by the team member's manager.


    Revealed Send to Manager

    When an objective is activated by a team member.


    Revealed Send to Team Member

    When an objective is activated by the team member's manager.


    Review Date

    When an objective is due a review.

    Review Date can be used to calculate a trigger date by applying an offset. Offsets can be in days or months and can be positive (after the date), negative (before the date) or zero (on the date).


    Reviewed Send to Manager

    When a team member adds a review to one of their objectives.


    Reviewed Send to Team Member

    When a manager adds a review to one of the team member's objectives.

  • Feedback


    When sent

    Related object

    Received Send to Manager

    When a Feedback request about a Team Member receives a response, sent to the manager.


    Received Send to Team Member

    When a Feedback request about a Team Member receives a response, sent to the Team Member.

  • Feedback Request


    When sent

    Related object


    When a recipient receives a request to provide Feedback about a Team Member


Sage People provides a standard email template for each Performance Management Action Event. You can customize the email templates provided, or create your own email templates. The following table lists the standard email templates provided:

Email template name Description

Comment Added (for Manager)

Email to the manager when a Team Member adds a comment to their Conversation, or to one of the Team Member's Objectives.

Comment Added (for Team Member)

Email to the Team Member when their manager adds a comment to their Conversation, or to one of their Objectives.

External Feedback Request Email to an external contact when they receive a feedback request from a manager about a Team Member.
External Feedback Request Self Email to an external contact when they receive a feedback request from a Team Member who requested feedback about themselves.
Feedback Request Email to a colleague when a manager has requested feedback about a Team Member.
Feedback Response (for Manager) Email to a manager when feedback is given in response to a feedback request about a Team Member.
Feedback Response (for Team Member) Email to a Team Member when feedback is given in response to a feedback request created by the Team Member about themselves.
Objective Closed (for Manager) Email to a manager when their direct or cross report closes one of their Objectives.
Objective Closed (for Team Member) Email to a Team Member when their manager closes one of the Team Member's Objectives.
Objective Revealed (for Manager) Email to a manager when a direct or cross report reveals one of their Objectives.
Objective Revealed (for Team Member) Email to a Team Member when their manager reveals an Objective to the Team Member.
Objective Review Due Email to a Team Member or their manager when a review is due for one of the Team Member's Objectives.

Objective Reviewed (for Manager)

Email to a manager when a Team Member adds a review to one of their Objectives.

Objective Reviewed (for Team Member)

Email to a Team Member when their manager adds a review to one of the Team Member's Objectives.

Sage People provides the email templates only in English.