Dataloading enhanced objectives

Role: HR Manager

If you have an objective you want to apply to all or many employees in your organization, you can use a data loader, such as, to mass upload the same enhanced objective to multiple Team Members in bulk.

The exact steps to follow depend on the data loader you use, but typically you need to complete the following tasks: 

  • Identify the fields you want to complete in the new enhanced objective. For example: 

    • Category

    • Company Objective

    • Description

    • End Date

    • Priority

    • Review Date

    • Start Date

    • Status

    • Team Member

    • Title

    • Weight %

    • Custom fields in your org

    Exporting an existing enhanced objective from your org can be helpful for this task.

  • Collate the IDs of the Team Members for whom you want to add this objective. You can export IDs from the Team Member object with your data loader. Apply filters to get the Team Members you need. For example: 

    • include only current employees by adding filter for the Has Left field and including employees where the value is false.

    • include employees in a specific country, HR Department, or Policy. Depending on the data loader you are using, you may need the record ID for the filter rather than the record name or number.

  • Prepare a file, such as an Excel spreadsheet, with a row for each Team Member who needs this objective, and a column for the fields you want to complete. Then complete the columns for the new objective.

  • Import the prepared file into your org. Your data loader typically indicates the number of rows successfully imported and the number of rows that failed. Review any errors and make the necessary changes before trying again.

  • Check the results in your org.