Configuration options

Configure page options

These options are located on the Performance Management package configuration page.

General settings section

Option Description
Access to Performance Management Checkboxes. Select the cross reporting manager types to grant access to their cross reports in Performance Management for Conversations, Enhanced Objectives, and Feedback.
Action Emails Send Batch Time Picklist and Run Now button. Select a time of day when you want to run the Action Emails batch, or Run Now to run the batch immediately.
Email Notifications > Disable Emails Checkbox. Select if you want to disable the default email notifications sent by Performance Management. Use this option if you want to configure your own notifications with Action Events.
Data Sharing > Sharing Rules Batch Size The number of team members processed in one batch when maintaining record sharing for HR managers. Operates alongside group based sharing settings in the HCM package.


Conversations section

Option Description
Enable Conversations in All Policies

Enable button. Select to enable Conversations in all policies in your organization.

You can also enable Conversations in a single policy in the policy settings.

Disable Conversations in All Policies

Disable button. Select to disable Conversations in all policies in your organization.

You can also disable Conversations in a single policy in the policy settings.

Objectives section

Option Description
Enable Objectives in All Policies

Enable button. Select to enable Enhanced Objectives in all policies in your organization.

You can also enable Enhanced Objectives in a single policy in the policy settings.

Disable Objectives in All Policies

Disable button. Select to disable Enhanced Objectives in all policies in your organization.

You can also disable Enhanced Objectives in a single policy in the policy settings.

Feedback section

Option Description
Enable Feedback in All Policies

Enable button. Select to enable Feedback in all policies in your organization.

You can also enable Feedback in a single policy in the policy settings.

Disable Feedback in All Policies

Disable button. Select to disable Feedback in all policies in your organization.

You can also disable Feedback in a single policy in the policy settings.

Feedback Request Visibility > Default to Visible Checkbox. Select if you want feedback requests made by managers in your organization be visible to the team members the requests relate to by default. Uncheck if you want feedback requests to be visible to manager only and not the team member. Managers can override the default when making a feedback request.
External Feedback > Enable External Feedback Checkbox. Select if you want team members and managers to be able to request feedback from outside your organization. External feedback requires a site.
External Feedback > External Feedback Site URL Enter the URL of the site you have configured for external feedback.
Feedback Templates Link. Select to go to the feedback template editor.

Policy options

Conversations section

Option Description
Conversations Checkbox. Select to enable Conversations for team members associated with this policy.
Allow Edit Checkbox. Select to enable team members and managers associated with this policy to edit their comments in their conversations.

Objectives section

Option Description
Objectives Checkbox. Select to enable Enhanced Objectives for team members associated with this policy.
Confirm Before Activating

Checkbox. Select to add a confirmation and approval stage to the objective lifecycle. When selected, on reveal objectives created by the manager are passed to the team member for confirmation, and objectives created by the team member are passed to the manager for approval. Objectives become active only after confirmation or approval.

When not selected, objectives created by the team member and manager become active on reveal.

Skip Team Member Confirmation

Checkbox. Select to give managers the option to skip the team member confirmation stage for objectives created by the manager. Enabling this option also requires Confirm Before Activating to be selected.

Feedback section

Option Description
Feedback Checkbox. Select to enable Feedback for team members associated with this policy.

Field sets

Enhanced Objective object
Option Description
Additional Fields Custom fields your organization wants to add to enhanced objectives
Hidden Fields Default enhanced objective fields your organization wants to hide from enhanced objectives.

Picklist values

To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Enhanced Objective object

Category field

  • None

Company Objective field

  • None

Priority field

  • None

Enhanced Objective Review object

Progress field

  • None

Object fields

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Comment object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type


Lookup (Team Member)

Author Type

Text (40)


Master-Detail (Conversation)

Created Date


Current Version

Number (3,0)


Comment Version object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type


Rich Text Area (32768)

Created Date


Feedback Item

Master-Detail (Comment)


Number (3,0)


Conversation Object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type

No custom fields.



Conversation Participant object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type


Lookup (Conversation)

End Date


Start Date


Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)


Conversation Subject object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type


Lookup (Conversation)


Lookup (Enhanced Objective)

Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)


Enhanced Objective object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type

Aligned Objective

Lookup (Enhanced Objective)



Closed Date


Company Objective


Created Date



Rich Text Area (32768)

End Date



Lookup (Group)



Review Date


Start Date



Text (32)

Team Member

Lookup (Team Member)


Text (240)


Text (32)

Weight %

Percent (3,0)

Enhanced Objective Review object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type

Created Date


Enhanced Objective

Master-Detail (Enhanced Objective)

Next Review Date




Review Comment

Rich Text Area (32768)


Lookup (Team Member)

Reviewer Type

Text (80)


Feedback Answer object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Feedback Template Question Lookup (Feedback Template Question)
Question Master-Detail (Feedback Question)
Response Master-Detail (Feedback Response)
Value Long Text Area (32768)


Feedback Provider object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Encode Id Text (255) (Unique Case Insensitive)
External User Text (160)
Feedback Request Master-Detail (Feedback Request)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)


Feedback Question object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Order Number (2,0)
Request Master-Detail (Feedback Request)
Template Question Lookup (Feedback Template Question)
Type Text (80)


Feedback Request object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Created Date Date/Time
Description Rich Text Area (32768)
Feedback Template Lookup (Feedback Template)
Final response date Date
Introduction Rich Text Area (32768)
Requester Lookup (Team Member)
Subject Lookup (Team Member)
Title Text (255)
Visible to Subject Checkbox


Feedback Response object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Author Lookup (Team Member)
Created Date Date/Time
External Author Text (160)
Request Lookup (Feedback Request)
Subject Lookup (Team Member)


Feedback Template object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Active Checkbox
Description Text Area (255)


Feedback Template Question object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type
Order Number (2,0)
Prompt Text Area (255)
Template Master-Detail (Feedback Template)
Type Text (80)


Feed Event object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type


Text (18)




Text (18)


Text (60)


Policy object (Performance Management)
Default Field Label Field Type

Allow Edit




Feedback Checkbox



Record types



WX actions are available as follows: 

  • Team member and manager: Review. Appears when:

    • Objective status is Active.
    • Objective Next Review Date is on or before today.
  • Team member and manager: Feedback Request. Appears when:

    • Feedback request status is In progress.
    • Feedback request Final response date is on or before today.
  • Team member: Confirm. Appears when:

    • Manager has revealed an objective, and confirmations are required.

    • The objective is in Manager Draft status.

  • Manager: Approve. Appears when:

    • Team member has revealed an objective, and confirmations are required.

    • The objective is in Team Member Draft status.

Action events


When sent

Related object

Closed Send to Manager

When an objective is closed by a team member.


Closed Send to Team Member

When an objective is closed by the team member's manager.


Revealed Send to Manager

When an objective is activated by a team member.


Revealed Send to Team Member

When an objective is activated by the team member's manager.


Review Date

When an objective is due a review.

Review Date can be used to calculate a trigger date by applying an offset. Offsets can be in days or months and can be positive (after the date), negative (before the date) or zero (on the date).


Reviewed Send to Manager

When a team member adds a review to one of their objectives.


Reviewed Send to Team Member

When a manager adds a review to one of the team member's objectives.




When sent

Related object

Received Send to Manager

When a Feedback request about a Team Member receives a response, sent to the manager.


Received Send to Team Member

When a Feedback request about a Team Member receives a response, sent to the Team Member.




When sent

Related object


When a recipient receives a request to provide Feedback about a Team Member
