Configuring Enhanced Objective picklist fields


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Role: HR Administrator

As an Administrator, you can configure the options available for Team Members in your organization for the following Enhanced Objective fields:

  • Category
  • Priority
  • Company Objective

The way you configure the options has changed since the Pilot release. Instead of entering your options on the Performance Management package Configure page, the options are now added as picklist values. In a multi-lingual organization, you can use the standard Salesforce tools to localize the options for all your languages.

By default, the only option available in the picklist is None.

To configure the options:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager, or in Salesforce Classic interface, SetupApp SetupCreate > Objects, and select the Enhanced Objective object.
  2. In the left sidebar, select Fields & Relationships, or in Salesforce Classic interface, scroll to the Custom Fields & Relationships section, and then select Category.

    Sage People displays the Custom Field Definition Detail page for the Category field.

  3. Scroll down to the Values Related list and select New:

    Screenshot: New button pointed in the Values related list for a picklist field

  4. On the Add Picklist Values page add your values in the input field. Make sure each value is on its own line, for example: 




  5. Select Save.

    Sage People redisplays the Custom Field Definition Detail page.

  6. Repeat these steps for the Company Objective and Priority fields to add the options for your organization.

If you want to localize your picklist values, follow the steps for translating picklist values.