Setting up future dating for Team Member transfers

The Transfer Wizard enables you to transfer Team Members immediately or, if configured, at a specified date in the future. To enable future dating for Team Member transfers:

  1. Ensure the Department and Manager fields are in the Employment Record Job History Field Set:

    1. Go to the Employment Record object: 

      In Salesforce Lightning Experience, go to Setup > Object Manager, and then select the Employment Record object.

      In Salesforce Classic interface, go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and select the Label for the Employment Record.

    2. Select the Field Sets Related List.

    3. For the Job History Field Set, select Edit.

    4. If the Team Member > Department and Team Member > Manager fields are not in the Field Set:

      In the left panel, select Team Member.

      Drag and drop the Department and Manager fields into the Field Set.

    5. Select Save.

    The Job History Field set contains the fields copied to create a new Job History record whenever any of the fields change in the Employment or Team Member records.

  2. Ensure the Job History object includes Department and Manager fields of the same name and type as those fields in the Employment Record Job History Field Set, enabling creation of new Job History records:

    1. Go to the Job History object: 

      In Salesforce Lightning Experience, go to Setup > Object Manager, then select the Job History object.

      In Salesforce Classic interface, go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and select the Label for the Job History object.

    2. Go to the list of Custom Fields and Relationships.

    3. If Department and Manager are not in the list of Custom Fields, add them:

      Select New.

      Use the following settings for each field:

      Step and field Department Manager
      Step 1: Data Type Lookup relationship Lookup relationship
      Step 2: Related object HR Department Team Member

      Step 3: Label

      HR Department


      Step 3: Name Department Manager
      Step 3: Child Relationship Name Job_History Job_History
      Step 4: Security

      Visible to the following profiles: 

      • Fairsail Administrator

      • Fairsail HR Manager

      • System Administrator

      All other Profiles unchecked.

      Visible to the following profiles: 

      • Fairsail Administrator

      • Fairsail HR Manager

      • System Administrator

      All other Profiles unchecked.

      Step 5: Page Layouts Add to Job History Layout. Add to Job History Layout.
      Step 6: Related Lists

      Add Job History to Department and Department Layout

      Add Job History to Department and Department Layout
    4. Select Save.

  3. On the HCM Configure page ensure:

    • Use Job History is checked.

    • Use Future-Dated Job Histories is checked.

    • Handle Future Job History Dating is set to run daily at a time of your choice.