Org Chart setup

The following configuration options determine if and how an organization chart is displayed in WX:

  • On HCM package configuration page

    • Colleagues With No Managers:

      Checkbox. If checked, Team Members with no manager are displayed on the Organization Chart as colleagues, regardless of their position or role within the organization.

      Typically unchecked so Team Members with no manager - an uncommon situation - show on the org chart as orphaned, rather than as colleagues.

    • Hide Org Chart:

      Checkbox. If checked, the links enabling Org Chart display through WX are not displayed. If unchecked, WX displays a link to the Org Chart in the WX menu.

      Hide Org Chart on the HCM Configure page overrides the Hide Org Chart setting on individual Policies; if Hide Org Chart is checked on the HCM Configure page, settings for Hide Org Chart on individual policies are ignored.

    • Org Chart v2:

      Checkbox. If checked, WX displays the enhanced version of the Org Chart launched with the Nautilus release in January 2018.

      The older "Classic" Org Chart remains available and can be displayed by URL. For example, Team Members with a bookmarked link will continue to display the Classic Org Chart regardless of the HCM Configure page setting. To manually change a stored link to display the enhanced Org Chart, change the final part of the URL from orgchart to org-chart.

  • On a Policy page:

    • Hide Org Chart:

      Checkbox. If checked, the links enabling Org Chart display through WX are not displayed. If unchecked, WX displays a link to the Org Chart in the WX menu.

      Hide Org Chart on the HCM Configure page overrides the Hide Org Chart setting on individual Policies; if Hide Org Chart is checked on the HCM Configure page, settings for Hide Org Chart on individual policies are ignored.

  • With Field Sets for the Team Member object:

    • WX Org Chart Contact Details

      Fields displayed in the organization chart for each Team Member.

    • WX Org Chart Printable

      Fields included in a printed version of the WX organization chart.

By default, the organization chart displays the following details for Team Members:

  • their full name

  • their photo

  • their job title

  • the fields defined in the WX Org Chart Contact Details Field Set

By default, the organization chart displays cards for people with the following relationships with the Team Member in focus:

  • their manager

  • their cross reporting managers, if any

  • their colleagues—other Team Members who report to the same manager

  • their direct reports, if any

  • their cross reports, if any