HCM Configure page settings
Settings in the Setup section
Field | Description |
Password Reset From Address |
Picklist. The email address to use as the sending address when notifying a Team Member their login password has been reset. Select the picklist and choose the email address you want to use. To set up the email address:
For more information about the org wide email address and email deliverability settings, see Salesforce email settings. |
Fairsail Digest From Address |
Picklist. The Organization-Wide Email Address you have set up to use as the outbound sending address for the Actions Digest. This must be a real address, accessible to all Profiles, and confirmed as part of the set up procedure. To set up the email address, go to Go to Setup, and in Quick Find enter email and select Organization-Wide Addresses. For more information about the org wide email address and email deliverability settings, see Salesforce email settings. |
Fairsail Action Creation Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. The time of day on the 24 hour clock you want Sage People to create automatically generated actions; for example an action for a manager to start a Performance Review a given number of months after the last one. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the actions to be created. Actions created in this way are included in the next Actions Digest. To include automatically generated actions in the same day's digest, ensure Fairsail Action Creation Time is before Fairsail Digest Send Time. To create Actions immediately, select Run Now. |
Fairsail Digest Send Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. The time of day on the 24 hour clock you want the Actions Digest to be sent to receiving Team Members. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the Digest to be sent. To include automatically generated actions in the same day's Digest, ensure Fairsail Digest Send Time is after Fairsail Action Creation Time. To send the DIgest immediately, select Run Now. |
Action Emails Send Batch Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. The time of day on the 24 hour clock you want to send non-immediate Action Events. Action Events from most objects (Absence, Competency Assessment, HR Request and so on) are sent as soon as the trigger event occurs and other conditions are met. But for Passport, Visa, and Employment Record Action Events set up with Offsets, you can specify the hour of the day they are sent. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. To queue the batch immediately, select Run Now. Action events triggered from objects in the Performance Management package have a separate setting for send time. |
Action Emails Batch Size |
The number of Action Email items processed per an Action Emails Send batch. Enter a value between 1 and 15. Action Emails Batch Size must not be blank. Sage People recommends initially setting the batch size to 15 for more efficient processing, and reducing it if batch processing ever exceeds one of the Salesforce governor limits. A smaller batch size can help avoid exceeding Salesforce limits, but processing will take longer. |
Sites URL |
The complete URL for the Salesforce site set up to support Send PDF functionality in Sage People. Do not use for other supporting site URLs. Enter the URL in the form: http://xxxx.my.salesforce-sites.com/yyyy where:
See PDF Templates | Create a Salesforce site to support PDFs. |
Form Reminder Email Batch |
Run Now Button. Select to run the Form Reminders Batch. The batch sends email reminders to Form responders if:
HR Request Finalize Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. The daily time on the 24 hour clock when employment change requests (HR Requests) are finalized. Finalization runs as a batch at the time you select. Before a request can be finalized, it must:
Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the finalization batch to run. To queue a finalization batch immediately, without waiting for the next scheduled batch run time, select Run Now. To configure the number of requests processed per Finalize Batch – only used if you are experiencing timeout errors when processing large numbers of requests at one time - use the HR Requests Per Finalize Batch setting in the HR Requests section of the HCM Configure page. |
Stock Option Vesting Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. The daily time on the 24 hour clock when a Stock Option Vesting batch is run. The batch sets the Vested field on the Stock Vesting object to True for all Stock Vesting objects when the Vesting Date is today or in the past; Stock Options vesting today become available for purchase and can be exercised by Team Members. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. To queue the Stock Option Vesting Time batch immediately, without waiting for the next scheduled batch run time, select Run Now. |
Team Member to User Synchronization |
Picklist. The level of synchronization between key fields on Team Member records and Salesforce User records. Any changes made to the Team Member record can be automatically copied to the Salesforce User record, enabling you to use Sage People as the definitive source of Team Member data. Select the picklist and choose from:
Fields you want to synchronize must be in both these Field Sets:
Use Future Dated Salary |
Checkbox. If checked, future dated salaries are activated on their start dates and not before. Use with Handle Future Salary Dating. Handle Future Salary Dating sets a daily time to run a batch to activate salaries on their start dates. |
Handle Future Salary Dating |
Picklist and Run Now button. Used with Use Future Dated Salary. Sets a daily time to run a batch to activate salaries on their start dates. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. |
Use Job History |
Checkbox. If checked, changes to fields in the Employment Record Job History Field Set are saved to the Job History record for the Team Member. |
Set processed date on old Job Histories |
Button. Activated when Use Future Dated Job Histories is checked. If selected, adds todays date to the Processed Date field on existing Job History records with Effective Dates up to and including today, and prevents the Job History Future Date batch from executing pre-existing future dated job histories for a second time. Select:
Anonymize Surveys Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. Used as part of the configuration for Internal Communication Surveys. Sets a daily time to run a batch to remove identifying information from each survey response. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. |
Reuse Surveys Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. Used as part of the configuration for Internal Communication Surveys. Sets a daily time to run a batch to:
Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. |
Update Survey Completion |
Picklist and Run Now button. Used as part of the configuration for Internal Communication Surveys. Sets a daily time to run a batch to assess who has completed active surveys and who has not. The batch sets the Is Confirmed field on the WX Process Confirmation object:
The batch does not leave Is Confirmed null, enabling full positive reporting, analysis, and follow up action. When run in an org with multiple active surveys sent to multiple Team Members, the batch can require several minutes to run - allow adequate time when scheduling multiple batches. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. |
Internal Communications Confirmation |
Picklist and Run Now button. Used as part of the configuration for Internal Communication. Sets a daily time to run a batch to update the Internal Communication Score Result object for active Internal Communications where scoring is used. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. |
Update Is Manager Field |
Picklist and Run Now button. Sets a daily time to run a batch to assess which Team Members have direct reports. The batch:
Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. |
Hold Absence Balances |
Picklist and Run Now button. Used to calculate and store Team Member absence balances for all Vacation type absence rules. Values are stored in the Absence Balances object:
Absence Balances stores a single set of values - subsequent batch runs overwrite existing values and no historical data is held. |
Set Team Members Up for Risk Mitigation | Button. Select this to open the Flow used to enable Team Members for the Risk Mitigation process. Use the flow to filter and select team members across policies and departments |
Schedule Update Job for Risk Mitigation | Button. Select this to set up an automated update batch job that updates team member vaccination statuses overnight. |
Salary Pot Field |
The API name of the formula field carrying the calculation returning the value of the amount available for distribution as salary awards. |
Bonus Pot Field |
The API name of the formula field carrying the calculation returning the value of the amount available for distribution as bonus awards. |
Available Languages |
The language names and codes you want to make available to Team Members though the WX language selector. All languages must be loaded to your org and enabled before they can be displayed. Enter one language per line and use the format: <Name of the language as you want it displayed>:<language code> For example: Française:fr |
Colleagues With No Manager |
Checkbox. If checked, Team Members with no manager are displayed on the Organization Chart as colleagues, regardless of their position or role within the organization. Typically unchecked so Team Members with no manager - an uncommon situation - show on the org chart as orphaned, rather than as colleagues. |
Delete Indicator Responses |
Checkbox. If checked, Competency Assessment indicator responses are deleted after questionnaire scoring is complete. This is an important part of anonymity protection for assessors contributing to a Competency Assessment. |
Username Domain |
The domain used in automatically generated usernames when you use Change User to link Team Member records to User records. Enter the domain name you want to use. For example: mycompany.com |
User Federation ID |
Checkbox. If checked, Sage People can use each User's unique Federation ID user name across multiple applications. Federation ID is a component of Single Sign-on implementations. |
Show Salesforce Header | Not used. |
Stylesheet | Not used. |
New Absence Features |
Checkbox. If checked, enables you to access enhanced absence features:
Hide Org Chart |
Checkbox. If checked, the links enabling Org Chart display through WX are not displayed. If unchecked, WX displays a link to the Org Chart in the WX menu. Hide Org Chart on the HCM Configure page overrides the Hide Org Chart setting on individual Policies; if Hide Org Chart is checked on the HCM Configure page, settings for Hide Org Chart on individual policies are ignored. |
Use Performance Review Templates |
Checkbox. If checked:
If unchecked:
Enforce SSN Validation |
Checkbox. If checked, validation is applied to the Social Security Number field on the Team Member object at the point of completion in both WX and the HR Manager portal. Validation is applied when the Team Member has a Work Location with Country set to United States. Validation checks the entry for the correct number of digits and accepts the following formats:
Error or warning messages are displayed if the entered value is incorrectly formatted or if the field is left blank. |
Settings in the WX Setup section
Field | Description |
WX Base Color |
WX uses a single base color to drive the range of tints used for the display. Tints are calculated as percentages of the base color. A value entered in WX Base Color acts as a default for your organization. Individual Policies can specify overrides. Either:
Company Logo |
The name of a Static Resource holding a default logo image you want to display at the head of the WX page. Individual Policies can specify overrides. |
Minimize Network Traffic |
Checkbox. If checked, network requests are grouped when building the initial WX page for display, resulting in faster initial page load. Keep this option checked to ensure WX navigation works correctly and WX process pages display without issues. |
Use Cache |
Checkbox. If checked, WX uses the Salesforce Platform Cache Partition to store elements of the display for re-use during the same session, accelerating page display after initial page load. You must also configure Platform Cache:
WX Hidden Employment Statuses |
Text. Team Members with any of these Employment Status values are hidden in WX from all other Team Members. Employment Status values are recorded in the Team Member Employment Status picklist field. Values you enter in WX Hidden Employment Statuses must exactly match the values in the picklist. Typically used to hide new hires who have been added to your org as Pre Boarders before their start dates. Enter values separated by commas. |
Settings in the Pre Boarders section
Field | Description |
Is Pre Boarder |
Text. Values recorded in the Team Member Employment Status picklist field used to indicate a Team Member is a new hire who has not yet started with your organization: a Pre Boarder. If left blank, only Team Members with Employment Status set explicitly to Pre Boarder are identified as Pre Boarders. If you enter values in this field you must include Pre Boarder as one of those values. Enter values one per line. |
Settings in the Leavers section
Field | Description |
Has Left |
Text. Values recorded in the Team Member Employment Status picklist field used to indicate a Team Member is no longer employed by your organization. Team Members with Employment Status set to one of these values are identified as leavers and processed by the Handle Leavers batch. If you change the default values in the Employment Status picklist, ensure the value for employees who have left your organization does not include all or part of the value used for active employee status. Enter values one per line. |
Is On Leave |
Text. Values recorded in the Team Member Employment Status picklist field used to indicate a Team Member is on leave. Team Members with Employment Status set to one of these values are identified as On Leave. Enter values one per line. |
Set Leaver Employment Status |
Text. The value to use to set the Team Member Employment Status field when a Team Member leaves your organization, if the value has not already been set. The value is automatically applied to Team Member records when the Employment Record End Date is reached. |
Clear Leaver Manager |
Checkbox. Optional. If checked, the leavers batch sets the Team Member's Manager field blank for Team Members where Has Left is set to TRUE, and the value of the Employment Status field is not one of the values specified in the Has Left option on the Configure page. If unchecked, the Team Member's Manager field is not changed. |
Deactivate Users |
Checkbox. If checked, User records associated with Team Members are deactivated when the Employment Record End Date is today. |
Handle Leavers Time |
Picklist and Run Now button. The hour of the day to run a batch to process Team Members identified as leavers. Select the picklist and choose the hour of the day you want the batch to run. Select Run Now to run the batch immediately. Handle Leavers Time identifies any Team Members with the Employment Record fields End Date or Last Working Date set for a date earlier than today. Identified Team Members then have the Team Member Has Left field set TRUE, and the Team Member Employment Status field set to the value specified in the Has Left formula, for example: Left. If both End Date and Last Working Date are populated, the user account is deactivated on the Last Working Date and Employment Status is changed on the End Date. If only one of the fields is populated, the user account is deactivated and Employment Status is changed on the supplied date. |
Settings in the New Hire Wizard section
Field | Description |
Use New Hire Process |
Checkbox. If checked, selecting New Team Member on the Team Member home page displays the single page New Hire wizard. The New Hire wizard enables you to enter information for Team Member, Employment Record, Salary, Benefits, and Absence objects through a single, multi-tab page. If unchecked, selecting New Team Member on the Team Member home page displays the Team Member New Hire page. The Team Member New Hire page enables you to enter information for the Team Member and Employment Record objects only. |
Settings in the HR Requests section
Field | Description |
HR Requests Per Finalize Batch |
Number, maximum value = 200, default value = 200. The number of HR Requests to process in each Finalize batch, defaults to 200. A batch size of 200 is likely to complete more quickly, but is also more likely lead to timeout errors, and can make it more complicated to identify where the issue is if the Finalize batch fails. If the batch fails, none of the requests included in it is finalized. If the batch size is 1, processing all the requests pending finalization can take longer than processing a larger batch size, but it is easier to identify an issue if the batch fails. If you need to configure the batch size enter a value from 1 to less than 200, otherwise leave blank. |
Settings in the Data Sharing section
Field | Description |
Use Group Based Sharing |
Checkbox. If checked, HR Managers' access to Team Members in an HR Department is controlled by Public Groups granting Edit or Read access to the HR Department. When you add HR Managers to an HR Department, remove HR Managers from a HR Department or change existing HR Managers' access levels, users are added to and removed from the Edit and Read groups automatically. When Group Based Sharing is enabled, you do not need to run the Team Member Data Sharing batch by selecting Recalculate Visibility on the HR Department page if HR Managers assigned to an HR Department change. If unchecked, HR Managers' access to Team Members in an HR Department is based on the association of individual users with the HR Department and the Team Members assigned to the HR Department. |
Team Members Per Batch |
Number. The number of Team Members to process when running the Team Member Data Sharing Batch. The default value is 25 and the maximum value is 999. |
Settings in the Telemetry section
Field | Description |
Use Telemetry |
Checkbox. If checked, Sage People collects usage statistics and key process metrics from the org. Telemetry is deployed in accordance with the Sage People Master Subscription Agreement and does not use or transmit customer or personal data. |
Settings in the Payflow section
Field | Description |
Benefit Enrollment |
Run Now button. Select to run the Benefit Enrollment batch to assign default benefits to eligible Team Members who are assigned to a specific Benefit Set but who have not yet submitted their preferences. If default Options are not defined, no selection is made. You can choose:
Settings in the Features section
The Features section includes package-specific features you can enable for your org. HCM features are available on the HCM Configure page by default, features hosted by other packages are listed if the host package is installed in your org and that package has no dedicated Configure page.
Package | Feature | Description |
HCM | Data Privacy Rules - Pilot |
Enables the data privacy rules feature. This is a pilot feature for use in test environments by customers who have agreed to be part of the pilot programme. When enabled, the Data Privacy Rules Time setting can be configured to define the time of day when the Data Privacy Rules batch job is run. |
HCM | Enhanced WX UI |
No longer used. |
HCM | Lightning Dialog Enhancement |
Checkbox, selected by default. Enables pages to display correctly in Salesforce Classic. |
HCM | Lightning Help Tooltip Enhancement |
Checkbox, selected by default. |
HCM | Mobile Features | Checkbox. Enables the Sage People mobile app for your organization. When enabled, you can activate mobile features in your policies and WX services. |
Time | Native API Support |
Not currently supported. Do not use. Enables processing when absence records are changed via Salesforce APIs, including data loaders. Enforces strict validation checks on absence data when absences are created using any channel. |
HCM | New Organization Fields | Checkbox. Copies new Payroll fields from the Employment record to the Team Member record. Do not enable without guidance from Sage People. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information. |
HCM | Performance management UI V2 | Checkbox. Enables the resigned Performance Overview and related processes in WX. |
Time | Time Off Calculator |
Checkbox. If checked, replaces the Absence Calculator with the more recent Time Off calculator outside WX. To use the Time Off calculator in WX, enable the Time Off WX process. Enabled by default following the migration from the Absences WX process to Time Off, cannot be unchecked. |
Time | Time Off Calculator for Payflow |
Checkbox. Enables you to control the version of the Time Calculator used by Payflow. Active if the Time Off Calculator feature toggle is also selected. If checked, Payflow uses the more recent Time Off Calculator, ensuring Time Off calculations accessible through Payflow exactly match those delivered through Time. Enabled by default following the migration from the Absences WX process to Time Off WX process, cannot be unchecked. |
Time | Timesheets V2 |
Checkbox, selected by default and cannot be deselected. Enables an enhanced version of Timesheets through WX. Timesheets are rendered as a native WX process in place of the older iFrame display of an underlying Visualforce page. |
HCM | Updated WX Homepage | Enables a modernized look for processes displayed on the WX homepage and service pages. |