Job History

Job history is a table linked to the employment record. Job history stores the history of key job details for a team member. Job history records are automatically generated when a change is made to Job Effective Date in the employment record. Selected fields held in the team member and employment records are then used to supply values for the job history.

When implementing Sage People, existing employment history can be used to populate job history.

You can also create a new job history record manually and give the record an effective date in the future. The related change is processed on the Effective Date. If you need to make a new job history record for past employment history, adding a new employment record gives you more control over the dates than adding a new job history record.

By default, job history tracks changes to these fields:

  • Manager

  • Job

  • Job Title

  • Job Profile

  • Function

  • Grade

  • Salary Band

You can extend this list with more fields if you need to track them too.

Job Effective Date is set by:

  • Creating a new team member. The Start Date value is mandatory and is copied to the Job Effective Date for both the team member and employment records.

  • Entering a job change. Job Effective Date is a mandatory field and is copied to both the team member and employment records.

  • Finalizing an employment change request (HR request). The HR request effective date is copied to the Job Effective Date for both the team member and employment records.

  • Creating a new job history record directly, with an explicit Job Effective Date which can be in the future.

Each of these actions creates a new job history record.

If you need to make a new job history record for past employment history, adding a new employment record gives you more control over dates than adding a new job history record. For more information about handling past and multiple employment records, see Upload history data and Rehire a team member.