Displaying Team Member pronouns in WX

To foster an inclusive culture, your organization can enable employees to add the personal pronouns they go by to their details, and to display the pronouns where their colleagues can see them.

Here is what you can do: 

  1. Create a text field in the Team Member object for personal pronouns, if one does not already exist.

    You can add help text to explain the purpose of the field and provide an example format. Help text displays next to the field in WX.

  2. Add the field to the following field sets in the Team Member object: 

    • WX Personal Details Edit

      This enables Team Members to enter and update their pronouns at any time they choose:

      Screenshot: Adding your pronouns in the Personal Details process in WX

    • WX Personal Details View

      For displaying the values of entered Personal Details fields to the Team Member and their manager.

    • WX People Bar Contact Details

      Displays the value in people search results: 

      Screenshot: Pronouns field added to a field set displays it in people search results

    • WX Org Chart Contact Details

      Displays in the organization chart after selecting More: 

      Screenshot: Org chart contact details displaying a pronouns field

If you use Summary processes, consider if you want to display pronouns on the birthday, new hire, or work anniversary tiles or detail views.