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Job Library
To enable the Job Library, complete values in the Job Library table.
To change the fields controlled from the library, change the Job Library field set in the Employment Record object. All fields in this field set must have matching fields in the Job Library Item object. "Matching" means of the same name and same type, except for picklist fields, such as Basis, which must be mapped to fields of the same name but of type Text.
Job Library View and Edit pages use the field set and field types from the Employment and Team Member records. Any fields added to the field set automatically display on the Job Library View and Edit pages.
Job Library Items can be linked to fields in both the Employment Record and Team Member objects.
To prevent HR Managers from directly editing fields linked to Job Library Items, ensure Employment Record field sets such as Edit Details and Job Change do not contain any fields editable by HR Managers.
Job descriptions and actual salaries cannot be set through Job Library Items.