Object fields: Employment Record and related objects

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Employment Record object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Absence Accrual Pattern   Lookup (Absence Accrual Pattern)
Account Name   Text (255)
Account No   Text (30)
Active   Checkbox
Additional Account Name 1   Text (255)
Additional Account Name 2   Text (255)
Additional Account Name 3   Text (255)
Additional Account No 1   Text (30)
Additional Account No 2   Text (30)
Additional Account No 3   Text (30)
Additional Amount 1   Currency (16,2)
Additional Amount 2   Currency (16,2)
Additional Amount 3   Currency (16,2)
Additional Bank Name 1   Text (255)
Additional Bank Name 2   Text (255)
Additional Bank Name 3   Text (255)
Additional Sort Code 1   Text (16)
Additional Sort Code 2   Text (16)
Additional Sort Code 3   Text (16)
Amount Above Band Reporting   Formula (Currency)
Amount Below Band Reporting   Formula (Currency)
Annual Compensation Reporting   Formula (Currency)
Annual Salary   Formula (Currency)
Annual Salary Reporting   Roll-Up Summary (SUM Salary)
Approved Life Cover   Currency (16,2)
Approved Life Cover Children   Currency (16,2)
Approved Life Cover Domestic Partner   Currency (16,2)
Approved Life Cover Spouse   Currency (16,2)
Bank Name   Text (255)
Basis   Picklist
Benefit Enrollment Close Date   Date
Benefit Enrollment Effective Date   Date
Benefit Enrollment Request Reason   Picklist
Benefit Enrollment Signed Date   Date
Benefits Value Reporting   Roll-Up Summary (SUM Benefit)
Continuous Service Date   Date
Contract End Date   Date
Cost Code   Text (128)
Current Check In   Lookup (Check In)
Current Salary   Lookup (Salary)
End Date   Date
FTE   Number (1,3)
FTE Amount Reporting   Formula (Currency)
Home Based   Checkbox
Hours Worked   Number (3,2)
Job   Lookup (Job Library Item)
Job Effective Date   Date
Last Working Date   Date
Manager User   Lookup (User)
Months Since End   Formula (Number)
Months Since Salary Change   Formula (Number)
Months Since Salary Start   Formula (Number)
Months Since Start   Formula (Number)
On Track Bonus Potential Bonus Amount Currency (16,2)
On Track Commission Potential Commission Amount Currency (16,2)
Payroll Number   Text (64)
Performance Rating   Formula (Text)
Performance Rating Score   Formula (Number)
Performance Review Date   Formula (Date)
Policy Group   Text (80)
Post Employment Benefits End Date   Date
Post Employment Benefits Start Date   Date
Probation End Date   Date
Salary Band   Lookup (Salary Band)
Salary Band Bottom   Formula (Currency)
Salary Band Comparison Amount   Formula (Currency)
Salary Band Position   Formula (Percent)
Salary Band Quarter   Formula (Number)
Salary Band Top   Formula (Currency)
Salary Currency   Formula (Text)
Salary High Projection Increase   Formula (Currency)
Salary High Projection Percent   Formula (Percent)
Salary Low Projection Increase   Formula (Currency)
Salary Low Projection Percent   Formula (Percent)
Salary Projection   Lookup (Salary Projection)
Salary Projection Pot   Formula (Currency)
Salary Start Date   Formula (Date)
Salary Talent High Projection Increase   Formula (Currency)
Salary Talent High Projection Percent   Formula (Percent)
Salary Talent Low Projection Increase)   Formula (Currency)
Salary Talent Low Projection Percent   Formula (Percent)
Salary Talent Pot   Formula (Currency)
Service Months  

Formula (Number)

Service Years   Formula (Number)
Sort Code   Text (16)
Start Date   Date
Talent Performance Rating   Formula (Text)
Talent Performance Rating Score   Formula (Number)
Team Member   Lookup (Team Member)
Trigger Action Email   Picklist
Work Days Pattern   Lookup (Work Days Pattern)
Work Location   Lookup (Work Location)


Disciplinary Action object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Action Long Text Area (32000)
Actioned By Lookup (User)
Appeal Date Date
Appeal Outcome Long Text Area (32000)
Employment Record Master-Detail (Employment Record)
Follow Up Long Text Area (32000)
Follow Up By Lookup (User)
Follow Up Date Date
Reason Long Text Area (32000)
Team Member Formula (Text)
Type Picklist


Grievance Action object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type


Long Text Area (32000)

Actioned By

Lookup (User)

Employment Record

Master-Detail (Employment Record)

Follow Up

Long Text Area (32000)

Follow Up By

Lookup (User)

Follow Up Date


Hearing Date


Hearing Outcome Long Text Area (32000)
Reason Long Text Area (32000)
Start Date Date
Team Member Formula (Text)


Incident Report object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Attended Doctor Checkbox
Became Unconscious Checkbox
Description of Incident Long Text Area (32000)
Description of Injury Long Text Area (32000)
Doctors Name Text (255)
Employment Record Lookup (Employment Record)
Follow Up Date Date
Follow Up Notes Long Text Area (32000)
Hospital Emergency Checkbox
Hospitalized Over 24 Hours Checkbox
Incident Date Date
Incident Type Picklist
Location Text (255)
Needed Resuscitation Checkbox
Official Report Made Checkbox
Reported To Text (255)
Return to Work Notes Long Text Area (32000)
Seriousness Picklist
Time Off Work Number (5,1)
Witness 1 Text (255)
Witness 2 Text (255)
Witness 3 Text (255)


Incident Report object (Country Pack U.S.A.)
Default Field Label Field Type
Address Of Physician / Hospital Text Area (255)
Classify The Case Picklist
Date Of Death Date
Harming Object Or Substance Long Text Area (32768)
Illness Injury Description Long Text Area (32768)
On Job Transfer Or Restrictions Text (100)
OSHA Case Number Text (100)
Time Cannot Be Determined Checkbox
Time Employee Began Work Date/Time
Time Of Event Date/Time
Treatment Location Away From Worksite Text Area (255)
Type Of Illness (OSHA) Picklist
What Happened Long Text Area (32768)
What Was The Employee Doing Just Before Long Text Area (32768)


Tax Status object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Number (5,0)

Amount Currency (16,2)
Code Text (80)
Effective Date Date
Employment Master-Detail (Employment Record)
Locality Text (128)
Percentage Percent (16,2)
Type Picklist