Core data fields: Employment Record object

Label Type Description
Absence Accrual Pattern Lookup Used to assign the Team Member to a specific Absence Accrual Pattern, overriding the setting on the Policy linked to the HR Department assigned to the Team Member.
Account Name Text Name of bank account to receive salary and bonus payments
Account No Text Number of bank account to receive salary and bonus payments
Additional Account Name 1 Text Name of bank account to receive part of salary
Additional Account Name 2 Text Name of bank account to receive part of salary
Additional Account Name 3 Text Name of bank account to receive part of salary
Additional Amount 1 Currency Amount for bank account 1
Additional Amount 2 Currency Amount for bank account 2
Additional Amount 3 Currency Amount for bank account 3
Additional Bank Name 1 Text Additional bank account to receive part of salary payment
Additional Bank Name 2 Text Additional bank account to receive part of salary payment
Additional Bank Name 3 Text Additional bank account to receive part of salary payment
Additional Sort Code 1 Text Additional sort/routing code of bank account to receive part of the salary
Additional Sort Code 2 Text Additional sort/routing code of bank account to receive part of the salary
Additional Sort Code 3 Text Additional sort/routing code of bank account to receive part of the salary
Bank Name Text Name of bank account to receive salary and bonus payments
Basis Picklist Basis for employment
Continuous Service Date Date Date used to calculate total service with the company
Contract End Date Date For contractors: the date of the last day of their contracts
Cost Code Text Cost center for employee costs
End Date Date Date employment ended for those who have left
FTE Number Full time equivalent. Value of 1 means works full time.
Hours Worked Number Normal number of hours worked
Job Effective Date Date Date of last job history change
Job Lookup Job code from job library (if using job history)
On Track Bonus Currency Bonus payment if all success criteria achieved
On Track Commission Currency Commission payment if all targets are met
Payroll Number Text Number on payroll
Probation End Date Date Date the team member's probation period ends
Sort Code Text Sort/routing code of bank account to receive salary and bonus payments
Start Date Date Date employment started
Work Days Pattern Lookup Working days in the week and public holidays
Work Location Lookup Main location at which the team member is employed