Creating a new WX Process

Each WX Process is hosted by a WX Service. You must create the hosting Service before defining the Processes within it. WX Processes displaying data from Sage People HCM map directly to processes listed on the Policy page - in those cases you must enable a process on the Policy page before the corresponding WX Process can be displayed to your users.

To create a new WX Process:

  1. Select the WX Services tab.
  2. Select a view showing the Service to which you want to add a Process, and select the WX Service Name.

    Sage People displays the WX Service Detail page:

    Screenshot: WX Service Detail page

  3. Select New WX Process.

    Sage People displays the WX Process page:

    Screenshot: New WX Process page

  4. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field What to enter

    Mandatory. The name you want to use for this Process. The label is displayed:

    • In the WX menu.
    • On the tile that is displayed on WX homepages for Summary processes.
    • On the tile that is displayed on WX homepages for Internal Communications processes if Show Title in Tile is checked.

    Use a label easily recognizable by Team Members. Labels do not have to correspond to the generic Sage People WX Process Type - choose a name meaningful for your organization.

    If you are using translations for process names, enter the name of the Custom Label you have configured for this process, for example WX_Payslips. See WX Translations | Translating WX Service and Process names.

    Active Checkbox. If checked, this Process is active and can be displayed and used in WX. Checked by default.
    WX Service

    The name of the Service you want to host this Process. By default, Sage People inserts the name of the Service you selected at the start of this procedure.

    To go to the WX Service Detail page, select the Service name.

    To Edit the Service Name or Order, hover over the Service Name and select Edit in the popup:

    Screenshot: WX Service popup on hover on the new WX Process page


    Number, no decimal places. The order in which you want this Process displayed within the Service. Lower numbered Processes are displayed above higher numbered in the WX menu.

    The number determines the order in which:

    • Processes are listed in the service menu to which they belong

    • Internal Communications appear in the WX homepage carousel

    • Summary processes appear on WX homepages

    • Carousel-type summary processes appear in the community updates section of the WX homepage.

    Use numbers making it easy to change the order and add new Processes, for example use 10, 20, 30 rather than 1, 2, 3.

    Start Date

    The date from which you want the Process to be available.

    Leave blank if you want the Process to be available immediately.

    End Date

    The date after which you no longer want the Process to be available.

    Leave blank if you want the Process to be available indefinitely.

    Preferred Number Of Columns

    Not used.

    Show in Mobile

    Checkbox. If checked, the process is displayed in the mobile browser version of Sage People, or in the Sage People mobile app if natively supported by the app. While most WX Processes can be displayed in mobile, those with fewer options and less complex displays work best.

    The Work Details, Time Off, and Payslips processes are natively supported by the mobile app. Other processes can be accessed using the in-app browser. The Benefits process is not supported for use with mobile.

    Unchecked by default.

    Show Title in Tile

    Checkbox. For Internal Communications processes, this checkbox displays the Label at the bottom of the tile. in the WX homepage carousel. If unchecked, the tile does not display a title.

    Show Title in Detail

    Checkbox. If checked, the Label is displayed at the top of the Detail page. For some process types Show Title In Detail is checked by default and cannot be unchecked.

    If unchecked, the Detail page displays the default Custom Label associated with the Process Type, for example, Current Objectives, Skills, Targets.

    The Show Title In Detail setting does not affect display of the Label elsewhere in WX - Label is displayed by default in Navigation Bar and Service Bar.

    Additional Information

    Text. For some processes, you can enter filter information as one or more key-value pairs to control the display of data for each instance of that process. Each key-value pair contains a unique identifier (the key) and a data value for that item.

    Process Additional information
    Async Reporting

    Enter report and field information to identify the data to be displayed.

    See Enabling data display for Async reporting.

    Employment Details

    To use alternative field sets for the Team Member detail page or team view of the process, use a selector to identify the field set.

    See Creating a WX Process for Employment Details.

    Manager Notes

    Enter an optional process name subtitle to control how manager notes are added to multiple instances of the process.

    See Creating a WX Process for Manager Notes.


    Enter the API name of the report to be displayed.

    See Create a WX Process for Reporting.

    WX Process Type

    Picklist. The Sage People Process you want to use. The picklist contains all the Sage People processes available to you.

    Select the picklist and choose the WX Process Type you want to use. The Process Type default label is displayed on the process detail page if Show Title in Detail is unchecked.

    Processes must also be enabled through policy settings before they are available to team members.

    WX Internal Communication

    Displayed when you select the Internal Communications process.

    If you have an existing Internal Communication you want to use for this Process, select WX Internal Communication Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup, find and select it.

    If you want to create a new Internal Communication now, select New WX Internal Communications fields at the bottom of the page.


    Displayed when you select the Internal Communications process.

    If you have defined a Survey to be hosted by this Internal Communication Process, select Survey Lookup Icon: Salesforce Lookup, find and select it.

    Hide When Read

    Checkbox. Displayed when you select the Internal Communications process.

    If checked, the Internal Communication is hidden when the Team Member confirms they have read it.

    If checked, Confirm When Read must also be checked.

    Confirm When Read

    Checkbox. Displayed when you select the Internal Communications process.

    If checked, a message is displayed with the Internal Communication asking the Team Member to confirm they have read it.

    Score has Action

    Checkbox. Displayed when you select the Internal Communications process.

    If checked, an Action is raised for Team Members receiving the Internal Communication, prompting them to respond.

    Survey has Action

    Checkbox. Displayed when you select the Internal Communications process.

    If checked, an Action is raised for Team Members receiving the Internal Communication, prompting them to respond.

    Legal Disclaimer/Confirm Agreement

    Checkbox. Displayed when you select the Risk Mitigation process.

    Check Confirm Agreement to accept the legal disclaimer for this process before saving. You cannot use this process unless the confirmation checkbox is selected.

  5. Select Save.

    Sage People displays the WX Process page. The Process is added to the WX Service and displayed in the menu the next time you open or refresh WX.