Internal recruitment configuration

Internal Recruitment functionality is delivered through two dedicated WX Processes:

  • Internal Portal

    Enables Team Members to:

    • View a list of internal vacancies, supplied by Sage People Recruit.

      Search for vacancies matching their requirements. Search operates on the content of text fields—it cannot search items in picklists. Ensure your org is configured to hold all content candidates are likely to search, including location, in text fields.

    • Apply for displayed vacancies.

    • Nominate someone else for displayed vacancies.

  • My Applications

    Displays a list of the Team Member's applications for internal vacancies, including:

    • A summary of the current status of each.

    • Links to enable completion of outstanding forms and tests, to accept or decline invitations to interviews or other events, and to supply requested references.

    • A button to withdraw an application.