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Set up the WX homepage

The WX homepage is a service page that is shown by default when users sign in. It can display special homepage components such as a carousel, time off overview, and external links, and has configurable section titles and subtitles.

The homepage can display the following elements:

This page provides an overview of the WX homepage and how to configure its elements.

Tip For guidance and tips on how to design your WX homepage, see the article Best practices for designing the WX homepage at the Sage People Community.
Homepage carousel

Screenshot: WX homepage showing the internal communications carousel


Community updates

Screenshot: updated WX homepage showing the community summaries section


To create a WX homepage:

  1. Create a homepage service

  2. Configure an HR noticeboard (optional)

  3. Configure the Internal Communications carousel

  4. Set up your homepage components

  5. Add community updates

These steps are outlined below.

Create a homepage service

To start building your WX homepage, first create a new service. We recommend that you:

  • Set the service type to Homepage. Homepage services can host components such as the Time off overview.

  • Set the service order to 1, so that the homepage appears before any other services. By default, the first service by order will be used as a default homepage. If you need to, you can add additional homepages later in the menu.

Screenshot: settings for the WX homepage service

See Creating a new WX Service.

Configure the homepage title

These fields on the New WX Service dialog control the page title/greeting that is displayed to users at the top of the homepage, directly above the carousel.

  • Service Page Title: the main heading for the service page. If empty, the service name is used.

  • Service Page Subtitle: a brief subtitle that appears under the page title. Leave empty for none.

Screenshot: updating the service page title and subtitle on the New WX Service page

Note If you have no items in the carousel, no title is shown.

Before you can use the new fields to control the labels for the new hompepage, you must add these to your WX Service creation page layout.

Configure the community section title

These fields on the New WX Service dialog provide a title and subtitle that appear above the community summaries section:

  • Community Section Title: a heading for the community updates section that displays summary processes. If empty, the default label "Community updates" is used.

  • Community Section Subtitle: a brief subtitle that appears under the community updates section title. Leave empty for none.

Note If you have no carousel summaries, no title is shown.

Before you can use the new fields to control the labels for the new hompepage, you must add these to your WX Service creation page layout.

Configure an HR noticeboard

An optional HR noticeboard can function as a banner at the head or foot of the homepage.

Noticeboards are always the first or last item on a homepage, appearing either above the page title and carousel, or directly before the page footer. Noticeboards can be set to appear on homepages, My Profile services, process pages, or any service page that contains only Internal Communications or Summary processes. You can include images, plain text, rich text, or an image and plain text.

Using a noticeboard/banner is optional, but can add character to your page.

Tip For accessibility, we recommend you do not include text embedded in a banner image, because this is not suitable for assistive technologies.

See HR Noticeboards

Configure the Internal Communications carousel

The homepage carousel can host up to 20 internal communications as interactive tiles that can be scrolled. Typically these include links to articles or announcements of interest to your staff, including leadership messages, employee surveys, or videos.

Use engaging images that work well when cropped to a square aspect ratio. Do not include text embedded in your images - use the Show Title in Tile option to display a text title beneath the image.

Tiles in the carousel are ordered according to the relative values of the Order setting for the process. Lower numbered processes are displayed first.

Tip Best practice is to include no more than 7-10 items in a carousel. Adding more can make the carousel difficult to navigate. Refresh the items in your carousel regularly to keep your homepages interesting and relevant. If you need more than 20 items, consider creating a separate homepage/service page to host additional internal communications.

See Internal Communications | Set up Internal Communications.

Set up homepage components

Immediately beneath the internal communications carousel, dedicated homepage components are displayed.

Configure the time off overview

The Time off overview component is displayed automatically on any services that are set as a Homepage service. This component displays a summary of the logged-in user's upcoming time off, their current vacation balance, and the next public holiday. The component also includes a link to your time off process.

Screenshot: time off summary component

The Time off overview component shows the following cards:

The External links component displays your external links alongside icons, beneath the internal communications carousel. Links open in a new browser tab.

Screenshot: external links component

External links are configured as a special type of Internal Communication. The External Links component will appear on your homepages if you have Internal Communications assigned to the service that use the "Quick Link" tile type.

Before configuring external links, you might need to add the Quick Link tile type to the Internal Communication object.

Add links to the component

To add a link to the external links component:

  1. In the HR Manager portal, go to WX Services.

  2. Select the service to which you want to add your external link.

  3. Select New WX Process.

  4. Give the process a Label and Order in the usual way:

    • The Label is the name of the link as it appears to users in the external links component. Use the process label to describe the link.

    • The Order defines the order in which the link appears in the component, relative to other external links.

    • The Preferred Number of Columns setting is not used.

    See Creating a new WX Process for more information about the settings on this page.

  5. Set the process type to Internal Communication.

  6. Under WX Internal Communication Settings, select New beside WX Internal Communication.

    Screenshot: select New to create an internal communication

    Note If you have already created an Internal Communication for the link, find it using Lookup.
  7. Give the Internal Communication a descriptive name.

    Screenshot: create an External Link Internal Communication

  8. Select External Link as the tile type. This is the name of the picklist value you have added.

    The Detail Information section disappears. External links do not have a detail page.

    Note Unlike other Internal Communications tiles, this tile type does not appear separately on the homepage. External link "tiles" only appear in the external links component.
  9. Choose an icon for the link using the drop-down menu. A preview is displayed beside the menu. Available icons are sorted in the list as follows:

    • Generic icons are displayed at the top of the list

    • Brand icons are displayed at the bottom of the list. (Brand icons are icons for popular tools from Microsoft, Google, ADP, and many other large companies).

    Screenshot: choose an icon for the external link

    Tip To scroll through the available icons displaying a preview for each one, select an item from the drop-down menu, then use the Up and Down keys on your keyboard to scroll through the list. The preview icon updates each time.

  10. Select Save.

Add community updates

Count and carousel summaries are summary processes that are shown at the bottom of the homepage.

Screenshot: WX homepage showing showing count and carousel summaries

You can configure the title and subtitle that appears for this section, otherwise the default text "Community updates" is used as the section heading. See Configure the community section title.

For information about configuring summary processes, see Set up Summary processes.

Count summaries

Count summaries are used to display key facts and statistics about your organization, such as your company's current headcount, or the number of new hires this month. Count summary processes are shown beneath your homepage components and above any carousel summaries.

Carousel summaries

Carousel summaries are used to display celebrations, achievements, and milestones for your staff such as anniversaries, birthdays, or new hires. Carousel summaries are displayed in a dedicated section at the bottom of the homepage.