Linking action event patterns to policies

Role: HR Administrator

When you have defined an action event pattern you can link it to as many policies as you want. By linking an action event pattern to one or more policies you enable all team members assigned to the policy to have access to all action events linked to the pattern.

To link an action event pattern to a policy:

  1. Select the Policies tab and select the policy to link to the action event pattern.

    Sage People displays the Policy details page.

  2. Select Edit.

    Sage People displays the Policy Details Edit page.

  3. In the Details section, next to Action Event Pattern, select the Action Event Pattern lookup:

    Screenshot: Action Event Pattern lookup on Policy details page

    Sage People displays the Lookup dialog enabling you to find and select the action event pattern you want to link to the policy.

    If you have defined parent and child patterns using inheritance, select the child pattern to assign to the policy.