Action event patterns

Action events related in some way are grouped into action event patterns, for example, all emails used by a single process, or all those used by a policy. Action event patterns are linked to policies and you can link one pattern to multiple policies, or have a pattern serving the needs of just one policy. All action events grouped in a pattern are then available to users assigned to any associated policies.

An action event pattern enables you to set up a standard, automated set of responses to recurring events. In most cases you can use an action event pattern instead of a Salesforce Flow; you will find an action event pattern is easier to set up and tailor to your Sage People content.

Using inheritance

An action event pattern can inherit actions from another action event pattern. Inheritance is useful if your org needs events that are common to all groups of employees and events that only apply to a specific group. Inheritance reduces the need to add conditions into the action events, and makes maintenance of action events and action event patterns easier.

How inheritance works in the parent and child patterns: 

  • All action events used by the parent are inherited for the new pattern.

  • Inherited events act as a starting set of events for this pattern; new events defined for this pattern are in addition to inherited events.

  • Changes made to the parent pattern in the future are inherited by the child pattern you are creating now.

  • An action event pattern can have multiple child patterns.

  • Only one level of inheritance is supported.

  • Individual action events inherited from the parent can be overridden when setting up action events in the child pattern.

  • If a child pattern contains no action events, Sage People defaults to the parent pattern.

For example, an organization with team members in 2 countries has action events relevant to both countries and action events that are specific to a country. You can create a global action event pattern for the common action events, and an country specific action event patterns, which inherit all the events from the global pattern, and add any country specific ones. For example: 

  • Global pattern: 20 common events

    • Country A pattern: inherits from the global pattern. Adds 5 country specific events.

    • Country B pattern: inherits from the global pattern. Adds 3 country specific events.

If the Inherits From field is not visible on the New Action Event Pattern page, you can add it to the page layout:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the Action Event Pattern object.

  2. From the sidebar, select Page Layouts.

  3. Select Action Email Pattern Layout.

  4. Select the field Inherits From in the fields list and drag and drop it on the layout.

    Screenshot: Dragging and dropping the Inherits From field to the layout

  5. Select Save.