Emailed attachments and photos

A common HR manager task is to add a set of files or documents to a Team Member or Employment record. This can include the Team Member photo; displayed in WX. Sage People is able to accept incoming emails containing such attachments and will link them to the appropriate team member. First you must set up the email services and email addresses to accept these emails into the customer org.

You need to add two email services, one for documents and one for team member picture.

Import attachments

Send an email to the given email address. The subject line must be the exact Name of the Team Member or their unique ID. The text of the email is ignored. Any attachments are added to their Employment record if they have one, or their Team Member record if not. The total email size cannot be greater than 10MB and each attachment cannot be bigger than 5MB.

Go to Setup > Develop > Email Services. You need to add two such services, one for documents and one for team member picture. Select New Email Service.

For importing attachments, enter the following details for the email service:

Email Service name Import Attachment
Apex Class ImportAttachmentEmailServiceHandler
Accept Attachments All
Advanced Email Security Settings Unchecked
Accept Email From As appropriate or empty
Convert Text Attachments to Binary Attachments Unchecked
Active Checked
Failure Response Settings As appropriate: suggest bounce

Then select Save and New Email Address. The new email address for each service will be given to you.

Import pictures

Send an email to the given email address. The subject and text of the email is ignored. Any attachments must be pictures of type jpg, png, gif or tiff. The name of each file must be the exact Name of the team member or their unique ID, with the dot extension of the file appropriate to the picture type. Individual pictures should not be greater than 200KB. The total email size cannot be greater than 10MB. Pictures can take several minutes to be applied.

Go to Setup > Develop > Email Services.

Select New Email Service.

For importing photos, enter the following details for the email service:

Email Service name Import Pictures
Apex Class ImportPicturesEmailServiceHandler
Accept Attachments Binary
Advanced Email Security Settings Unchecked
Accept Email From As appropriate or empty
Convert Text Attachments to Binary Attachments Unchecked
Active Checked
Failure Response Settings As appropriate: suggest bounce

Then select Save and New Email Address. The new email address for each service will be given to you.