Backing up your data

You can use Saleforce Data Export functionality to back up data in your Organization. Data Exports generate a set of comma-separated value (CSV) files with your data and can be scheduled on a monthly or weekly basis. The exports are available to download for 48 hours after completion.

When preparing your exports, Salesforce recommends:

  • Plan ahead. Since you cannot estimate how many requests are ahead of your Organization, kick off the export ahead of deadlines so you have a sufficient buffer.

  • Reduce the export file size by focusing on the objects containing the data you need, helping to create a smaller queue and improve queue wait times.

  • Evaluate whether selecting Include images, documents, and attachments and Include Salesforce Files and Salesforce CRM Content document versions is required for every export. Selecting these in every other export or once per month for example can reduce completion time.

  • Keep deleted record counts to a minimum. When possible, please empty your recycle bin and have Support run Physical Deletes against your Organization to reduce the number of hard deleted records.

  • Consider altering your export's scheduled date/time. It is common for many Organizations to schedule exports at the end of the calendar week, choosing different or off-peak dates/times may also help to reduce wait times.

Refer to Salesforce Help topics for more information.