Adding the HR Noticeboard Related List

The WX Service Page Layout does not display the HR Noticeboard Related List by default. The Related List enables you to add Notices to Services and Processes from the WX Service Detail page.

To add the HR Noticeboard Related List to the WX Service Page Layout:

  1. Open any existing WX Service to display the WX Service Detail page.

  2. Select Setup, and then select Edit Object.

  3. From the sidebar, select Page Layouts and select Category Layout as the page layout you want to edit.

  4. On the page layout page select Related Lists from the left panel.

  5. Drag and drop the HR Noticeboard Related List into the Related List section of the page.

    Suggested location: below the WX Processes Related List.

  6. Select Save.

    Next time you display or refresh a WX Service Detail page the HR Noticeboard Related List is displayed.