Add a comment to an enhanced objective


Sage People has two different types of objectives for performance management processes: Objectives and Enhanced Objectives. If you are not sure which objectives your organization uses, check out this comparison.

Role: Team Member

Role: Manager

Each objective has its own comments section, which works in the same way as the main Conversation. When you add a comment to an objective, the comment is also displayed in the main Conversation feed with a purple objectives sign and a link to the objective:

Conversation feed showing two comments related to Objectives and one in the main feed

To add a comment to an objective:

  1. In the list of objectives, select the objective.

    The comments section is displayed below the objective details.

  1. Enter text in the comment box. When you are finished, select Add Comment.

    Comment box for Conversations and Objective comments

    The saved comment appears in the conversation below the comment box.

    Comments have a number of formatting options. You can:

    • Make selected text bold, italic or underlined
    • Put a line through selected text
    • Turn lines of text into a bulleted or numbered list
    • Change paragraph indenting

Sage People sends an email notification to the other party in the Conversation.