Changing which Related Lists are displayed

Most HR Manager Portal tabs have a number of Related Lists available for display. You can control which related lists are displayed on a page, and the order in which they appear:

Customizing Related Lists in Salesforce Lightning Experience

  1. Go to the page you want to customize.

  2. Select Setup, then select Edit Object:

    Screenshot: Selecting Edit Object from the Setup menu

    Sage People display the object details page.

  3. From the sidebar, select Page Layouts, then select the page you want to customize.

  4. From the list on the top left, select Related Lists.

  5. Customize the Related Lists in the page layout:

    • To add a Related List, drag and drop it from the top to the position you want it to appear in the Related Lists section.

    • To remove a Related List, select the Remove icon for the Related List.

    • To re-order Related Lists, drag and drop them into the order you want.

  6. Select Save.

Customizing Related Lists in Salesforce Classic interface

  1. Go to the page you want to customize.

  2. Select Customize Page:

    Screenshot: Selecting Customize Page in Salesforce Classic interface

    Sage People displays the Customize My Page dialog:

    Screenshot: Customize My Page page

  3. Move lists between the Available List panel and the Selected List panel until you have defined the page content you want:

    • To add a list to the page, select an Available List and select Add Icon: Right arrowto move it to the Selected List panel.

    • To remove a list from the page, select a Selected List and select Remove Icon: Left arrow to move it to the Available List panel.

    • To select multiple items, use Ctrl + select

  4. Sort the order of the displayed Related Lists by selecting a list in the Selected List panel and using the Up Icon: Up arrow and Down Icon: Down arrow arrows.

  5. Select Save.