Create a reference request form

Create a reference request form that will be sent to the external referees entered by your candidate.

Create a new form definition

To create a new form:

  1. From the App Launcher, open Form Definitions (Recruit).

  2. Select New.

  3. Give the form definition a name, for example "Reference Request".

    Screenshot: new form definition

  4. Set the Link Relationship picklist to "Reference".

  5. If you have already created an external site used to publish the form for external contacts, enter the URL for the site in the Request Prefix box. Must end with a forward slash (/) character. See Create a Salesforce site for forms.

  6. In the VisualForce Page box, enter fRecruit__Form.

  7. Select Save.

For further information about the options available here, see Create a new form definition.

Add a page and questions to the form

  1. Select Visual Edit.
  2. Give the form a Title. For example, "Reference Form".

  3. Select New Page to add the first page to the form. Give the page an ID and a Title.

    Use the Pre Text field to add a greeting and explanation to the referee.

  4. Select New Question to add a new question to the page.

    The following are suggested question to add to your reference request.

    Question name Title Prompt Question type Notes
    candName - Candidate name Readonly We will create a Data Link rule to retrieve the candidate name from the application record.
    ref1Position - What was the candidate's position? Text/select/radio Use a free text field to allow the referee to specify the position, or use a select list or radio buttons to offer a set of options.
    ref1Confirm - Are these details correct?


    • Yes

    • No

    ref1Relationship - What is the candidate's relationship to you? Text  
    Comments - Comments Textarea Tip: you can use the question's Pre Text box to explain what the referee should enter.
  5. Finally, add a message to the form to display when the form is completed. Select Advanced Mode, then New Message
  6. In the ID box, enter completed (all lower case).
  7. In the Value box, enter the message to display to the referee when they submit their form. For example, "Thank you for submitting your reference."
  8. Select Save.

Add a data link to retrieve the candidate's name.

  1. On the Form Definition page, select the Data Links tab.

  2. Select New Rule.

    Screenshot: form definition page, data links tab: new rule

  3. Configure the rule as follows:
    • Form Field: candName
    • Direction: Out

    • Data Field: fRecruit__Application__r.fRecruit__Candidate_Name__c

    Screenshot: data links tab: new rule

  4. Select Save.

Tip If required, you add further data links in order to save reference details to an object. For futher information, see Data links.

Add a Start email

Add a Start email for the form that is sent to form actors when the form is initiated.

  1. On the Form Definition page, go to the Emails tab.

  2. Select New Form Email.

    Screenshot: form definition page, email tab

  3. Create an email for the form using When Sent: Start. Select an appropriate template for your organization. See Email templates for forms for further information.

    Screenshot: new form email

  4. Select Save.