Configuration options

Configure page options

Option Description
Form Reminder Email Batch

Run Now Button. Select to run the Form Reminders Batch. The batch sends email reminders to Form responders if:

  • The Form Definition includes a Form Email with:
    • When Sent set to Reminder.
    • Reminder Days set to a number of days.

      If the Close Date for the Form has not been set, Reminder Days specifies the number of days between reminders if the Form has not been modified since the last Reminder.

      If the Close Date has been set, Reminder Days sets the number of days after the Close Date to send a reminder.

    • A Template selected.
  • A workflow is set up to populate the Reminder Date field on the Form.

See Email notifications.

Policy options

Screenshot: enable forms checkbox

Option Description

Select to enable forms for the policy.

Field sets

  HCM Form object
Field set Description
HCM Form Details

Fields displayed in the HCM Form detail view.



Object fields

HCM Form object
Field Data type
Active Checkbox
Actor Text(255)
Actor Salutation Text(255)
Approval Date Date
Assessment Lookup(Assessment)
Close Date Date
Competency Assessment Lookup(Competency Assessment)
Completed Date Date
Concerning Text(255)
Contact Lookup(Contact)
Created By Lookup(User)
Current Page Text(255)
Data Long Text Area(32000)
Email Email
Employment Lookup(Employment Record)
EncodeId Text(255)
Form Definition Lookup(HCM Form Definition)
Form Definition Name Text(80)
Form Reference Auto Number
Incident Report Lookup(Incident Report)
Last Modified By Lookup(User)
Last View Date Date
Last View IP Text(15)
Manager Action Formula (Text)
Manager Action Date Formula (Date)
Manager Approves Checkbox
Object ID Text(20)
Owner Lookup(User,Group)
Rejected Date Date
Relates To Lookup(HCM Form)
Reminder Date Date
Request By Date Date
Request Prefix Text(128)
Request URL Formula (Text)
Salutation Formula (Text)
Start Date Date
Subject Text(255)
Team Member Lookup(Team Member)
Trigger Send Email Checkbox
VisualForce Page Text(128)
VisualForce Submit Text(128)


HCM Form Datum object
Field Data type
Category Formula (Text)
Created By Lookup(User)
Data Name Text(80)
Form Master-Detail(HCM Form)
Last Modified By Lookup(User)
Long Value Long Text Area(32000)
Score Number(4, 1)
Value Text(255)


HCM Form Definition object
Field Data type
Created By


Definition Long Text Area(32000)
Definition Name Text(80)
EncodeId Text(80)
Last Modified By Lookup(User)
Link Relationship Text(128)
Object Name Text(80)
Owner Lookup(User,Group)
Permit New Forms Checkbox
Permit New Object Checkbox
Request Prefix Text(128)
VisualForce Page Text(128)
VisualForce Submit Text(128)


HCM Form Rule object
Field Data type
Condition Long Text Area(32000)
Created By Lookup(User)
Direction Picklist
Form Data Name Text(80)
Form Definition Master-Detail(HCM Form Definition)
Last Modified By Lookup(User)
Object Field Name Text(128)

Record types



  • Manager: Approve Form

    Appears when the Forms process has been set up to require manager approval for Team Member forms. You will receive an action to approve each form submitted by a member of your team.

  • Team Member: Edit

    Appears when you have a form assigned to you that has not been submitted.

  • Team Member: Delete

    Appears when you have a form assigned to you that has not been submitted.

Action events

Option Description
Approve When a form is approved by one of the designated approvers.
Reject When a form is rejected by one of the designated approvers.
Start Sends a form to the form actor.
Submit When a form is submitted by the form actor.

See Using Action Events (HCM).