
HCM and Recruit forms currently have the following limitations and known issues. If you encounter an issue that is not on this list, please report it to us following your usual support process.

  • Large Recruit form definitions with greater than 32,000 characters that were created prior to the Sage People 22.1 release may return a "Form definition invalid" error message when the form is viewed.

    To work around this issue, open the form definition, select XML Edit, then select Save. This allows your form definition to take advantage of an increased character limit. The character limit for Recruit forms has been increased to 131,072 characters.

  • When a form with attachments is shown to a manager in WX, attachments are not displayed.

  • When a form is triggered by an action event, the Subject is not displayed in WX.

  • The advanced mode New Button option is not supported for HCM forms.

  • The textarearesize question field cannot be resized.