Setting up WX to display a Survey

Surveys are delivered to your Team Members through WX Internal Communications processes. You can use different Internal Communications for each survey, or reuse the same process, changing the linked Survey each time you want to run a different Survey.

Use WX Process start and end dates to control the visibility of the Survey - if the Process is not active, the Survey cannot be accessed.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create an Internal Communication to host the Survey.

    The Internal Communication defines the Tile and Detail View content to accompany the Survey. Team Members access the Survey using a link on the Detail View, so use text and images on the Tile and Detail View to introduce the Survey and give any necessary guidelines, for example:

    • Why you're running the Survey and what you want to get out of it.

    • How long Team Members will have to complete the Survey.

    • How frequently the Survey will be repeated.

    • Whether the Survey data will be anonymized.

    • What you plan to do with the data.

    The Survey itself can then focus on the questions you want to ask.

    Use the Advanced Options on the Internal Communication to define who is to receive the Survey.

  2. Select an existing WX Service or create a new one to host the Internal Communication Survey(s).

  3. In the WX Service create a new Internal Communications Process create a new Internal Communications Process and link it to the Internal Communication and to the Survey.

    For more information about creating Internal Communications, WX Services, and WX Processes, see Configuring WX.

  4. Use the options on the HCM Configure page to set up the batches controlling survey reuse, anonymizing, and completion updating.

When a Survey is activated, if the WX Process is configured with Survey has Action checked, an Action is raised for each Team Member you want to complete it, and the Survey becomes accessible through the Internal Communication Process hosting it.