Survey Object fields

Survey object
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Anonymous   Checkbox
Description   Text Area (255)
End Date   Date
Frequency End Date   Date
Is Reuse Active   Checkbox
Month Day   Number (2,0)
Next Survey Run   Date
Periodicity   Picklist
Recurrence Duration   Number (2,0)
Start Date   Date
Survey Duration   Number (2,0)
Survey Duration Period   Picklist
Weekday   Picklist
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Survey Dimension object
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
API Name   Text (255)
Path   Text (255)
Source Field Name   Text (80)
Source Object Name   Text (80)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Survey Dimension Mapping object
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Survey   Master-Detail (Survey)
Survey Dimension   Master-Detail (Survey Dimension)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Survey Question object
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Order   Number (2, 0)
Question Title   Text Area (255)
Scale   Lookup (Scale)
Survey   Master-Detail (Survey)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Survey Question Response object
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
DIM Basis   Text (80)
DIM Department   Text (255)
DIM Manager   Text (255)
DIM Salary Band   Text (80)
Question Comment   Text (255)
Scale Label   Text (255)
Scale Score   Number (2, 0)
Survey Question   Master-Detail (Survey Question)
Survey Response   Lookup (Survey Response)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Survey Response object
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Anonymized   Checkbox
Survey   Lookup (Survey)
Team Member   Lookup (Team Member)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


WX Process Operation Message object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Dismiss Button Text   Text (30)
Message   Long Text Area (32768)
Title   Text (200)
WX Process Operation Message Name   Text (80)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.