Report types: overview

Sage People uses Salesforce reporting functionality to extract and display Sage People data in reports and dashboards.

Your Sage People org contains standard report types and custom report types to use as a basis for creating reports. All report types are based on Salesforce objects and act as templates for new reports. Understanding how objects relate to each other is important for creating custom report types to deliver the reports you need. In report type setup, the object relationships are represented with letters, A, B, and so on.

Standard report types:

  • are created and maintained automatically for objects for which Allow Reports is enabled

  • always include all fields in the object

  • when a report type includes data from multiple objects, object A records are included only if they have related object B records. For example: Team Members with Employment Records report type delivers reports which exclude Team Member records without related Employment Records.

Custom report types:

  • enable administrators to choose which fields are included, and how fields and sections are named

  • require manual maintenance if new fields are added to the objects included in the custom report type

  • can include data from up to 4 objects

  • even when you use one object only, fields from related objects can be added via lookups

  • have two options when data comes from multiple objects: 

    • object A records must have related object B records to be included in the report, the same way as in standard report types.

    • object A records may or may not have related object B records. For example, Team Members with or without Employment Records includes all Team Member records, and Employment Records for those Team Members who have them.

Your Sage People org is typically supplied with a number of standard and custom report types. Some custom report types are delivered with packages, others configured during your implementation. You can also create your own custom report types.

Learn more

For more information about report types in general, refer to Salesforce help content.

For a Sage People focused overview of object relationships, standard and custom report types, how to configure custom report types, and maintenance considerations for custom report types, see the Reports And Analytics - Creating a Report Type on-demand training module in Sage University.

Packaged custom report types

You cannot modify the object relationships or fields included in a packaged custom report type, but you can toggle its deployment status between Deployed and In Development. You can clone the custom report type if you want to modify the fields available for reports.

Custom report type Object relationships Description Package
Absences with Absence Day Records Absences (A) with at least one related record from Absence Day Record (B) Links absence records to the absence day records representing individual days within each absence Time
Incident Reports with Team Member and Employment Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Employment (A), then at least one related record from Incident Reports (C). Team Members' incident reports, including all the fields delivered with the Country Pack U.S.A. package. Country Pack: U.S.A.

Typical custom report types

The following custom report types are typically supplied with Sage People implementations. You can customize these custom report types further, or clone them to use as a basis for a new custom report type.

Report type Object relationships Description
Action Email Patterns with Action Emails Action Event Patterns (A) with at least one related record from Action Events (B) Links Action Event Patterns to the Action Events related to the pattern.
Employment, Salary, Benefits Employment History (A) with or without related records from Benefits (B) Reports on current salary and benefits.
HCM Forms and HCM Form Data HCM Forms (A) with or without related records from HCM Form Data (B) Reports on HCM Forms and data submitted with completed forms. Includes fields from Team Member and Employment objects.
Pulse Survey Reporting Surveys (A) with at least one related record from Survey Questions (B), then with at least one related record from Survey Question Responses (C) Links the responses submitted for each survey question in a Pulse survey.
Reporting Analytic Snapshots Reporting Snapshots (A) Supports snapshot reporting.
Resource Plans with Resource Needs Resource Plans (A) with at least one related record from Resource Needs (B) Links resource plans to related resource needs.
SP:Applications, Vacancies and Candidates Applications (A) Reports on data from applications and the related candidates and vacancies.
Team Member with Absence History Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Employment (B), then with at least one related record from Absences (C) Reports on all absences for a team member's employment record.
Team Member with Internal Comms Confirm WX Process Confirmations (A) Links WX process confirmations to team member data.
Team Member with Internal Comms Scores Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Internal Communication Score Results (B) Links team members to internal communications through the Internal Communication Score Results object.
Team Member with Recognition and Giver Recognition (A) Reports on recognitions with team member fields available for both giver and receiver.
Team Member with Salary History Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Employment (B), then with at least one related record from Salary History (C) Reports on team members' salary history.
Team Member with/without Internal Comms Confirm Team Members (A) with or without related records from WX Process Confirmations (B) Links team members to WX process confirmations.
Team Member with/without Internal Comms Scores Team Members (A) with or without related records from Internal Communication Score Results. Links team members to the internal communications and scores submitted.
Team Member with/without Recognition Team Members (A) with or without related records from Recognition (B) Links team members to recognition records.
Team Member, Competency Assessment and Competency Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Competency Assessments, and then with at least one related record from Competencies Reports on competencies for a Team Member.
Team Member Current Competencies and Indicators Competency Assessment (A) with at least one related record from Competencies (B), then with or without related records from Indicators (C), then with or without records from Indicator Comments (D) Reports on Team Members' scores for competency indicators in the most recent competency assessment. Includes fields from the Team Member object.
Team Member Data and HR Requests Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Employment (B), then with at least one related record from HR Requests (C) Provides all current data for a team member, including HR Requests. Includes data from talent plans, performance reviews, competency assessment, salary.
Team Member, Employment, Salary History Team Members (A) with at least one related record from Employment (B), then with at least one related record from Salary History (C) Supports point in time salary history reports.
Team Member, Employment, Salary, Performance Team Members (A) Provides all current data for a team member, including data from talent plans, performance reviews, competency assessments, salary, and employment.
Work Days Patterns Work Days Patterns (A) with or without related records from Work Days Holidays. Links work days patterns to the work days holidays related to each pattern.