Configuration options

Configure page options


Policy options

Screenshot of the Internal Communications section on a Policy page



Internal Communications

Checkbox. If checked, the Internal Communications process is active and Internal Communications can be displayed through WX.

Field sets


Picklist values

To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Internal Communication object

Detail Type field

  • Rich Text

  • External Website

  • Video

  • Image

  • Image Click Through

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

Location field

  • Header

  • Footer

  • SubHeader

  • SubFooter

Tile Type field

  • Image

  • Image Click Through

  • Video

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

  • External Website (deprecated)

  • Rich Text (deprecated)

  • HTML (deprecated)

  • KYP Game (deprecated)

Internal Communication Language object

Detail Type field

  • Rich Text

  • External Website

  • Video

  • Image

  • Image Click Through

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

Locale field

  • da

  • de

  • en_US

  • es

  • fi

  • fr

  • it

  • ja

  • ko

  • nl_NL

  • pt_BR

  • ru

  • sv

  • th

  • zh_CN

  • zh_TW

Tile Type field

  • Image

  • Image Click Through

  • Video

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

  • External Website (deprecated)

  • Rich Text (deprecated)

  • HTML (deprecated)

  • KYP Game (deprecated)

Object fields

Internal Communication object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Content Raw Long Text Area (32768)
Detail Content External Website Text Area (255)
Detail Content Video Text Area (255)
Detail Image Aspect Ratio Picklist
Detail Image ID Text (18)
Detail Rich Text Rich Text Area (32768)
Detail Twitter Dark Theme Checkbox
Detail Twitter ID Text (255)
Detail Twitter Link Color Text (255)
Detail Type Picklist
Detail YouTube ID Text (255)
Employment End Date - From Date Date
Employment End Date - From Number Days Number (3,0)
Employment End Date - To Date Date
Employment End Date - To Number Days Number (3,0)
Employment Start Date - From Date Date
Employment Start Date - From Number Days Number (3,0)
Employment Start Date - To Date Date
Employment Start Date - To Number Days Number (3,0)
Exclude Policy Checkbox
Exclude Policy Group Checkbox
Exclude Team Member Checkbox
Is Manager Checkbox
Level Down Number (1,0)
Location Picklist
Policy Lookup (Policy)
Policy Group Text (80)
Render Tile As Player Checkbox
Scale Lookup (Scale)
Show On Mobile Only Checkbox
Show To Manager Checkbox
Show To Other Checkbox
Show To Team Member Checkbox
Start Date Is Days Ahead Checkbox
Summary Raw Long Text Area (32768)
Tile Content External Website Text Area (255)
Tile Content Video Text Area (255)
Tile Image Aspect Ratio Picklist
Tile Image ID Text (18)
Tile Rich Text Rich Text Area (32768)
Tile Twitter Dark Theme Checkbox
Tile Twitter ID Text (255)
Tile Twitter Link Color Text (255)
Tile Type Picklist
Tile YouTube ID Text (255)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Internal Communication Instance object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Confirm When Read Checkbox
Hide When Read Checkbox
Internal Communication Master-Detail (Internal Communication)
Process Instance Master-Detail (Process Instance)

Score has Action

Show Tile In Detail Checkbox
Survey Lookup (Survey)
Survey Has Action Checkbox
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Internal Communication Language object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Label Override Field Type
Content   Rich Text Area (32768)
Content Raw   Long Text Area (32768)
Corporate Notice Internal Communication Master-Detail (Internal Communication)
Detail Content External Website   Text Area (255)
Detail Content Video   Text Area (255)
Detail Image Aspect Ratio   Picklist
Detail Image ID   Text (18)
Detail Rich Text   Rich Text Area (32768)
Detail Twitter Dark Theme   Checkbox
Detail Twitter ID   Text (255)
Detail Twitter Link Color   Text (255)
Detail Type   Picklist
Detail YouTube ID   Text (255)
Locale   Picklist
Render Tile As Player   Checkbox
Scale   Lookup (Scale)
Summary   Rich Text Area (32768)
Summary Raw   Long Text Area (32768)
Tile Content External Website   Text Area (255)
Tile Content Video   Text Area (255)
Tile Image Aspect Ratio   Picklist
Tile Image ID   Text (18)
Tile Rich Text   Rich Text Area (32768)
Tile Twitter Dark Theme   Checkbox
Tile Twitter ID   Text (255)
Tile Twitter Link Color   Text (255)
Tile Type   Picklist
Tile YouTube ID   Text (255)
Title   Text (40)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Internal Communication Multi Filter object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Group Lookup (Group)
Group Type Lookup (Group Type)
Internal Communication Master-Detail (Internal Communication)
Policy Lookup (Policy)
Policy Group Text (80)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.


Internal Communication Score Result object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Comments Long Text Area (32768)
Internal Communication Master-Detail (Internal Communication)
Scale Response Lookup (Scale Response)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields.

Record types


Action events
