Adding custom fields
To tailor Sage People for an organization, you can add custom fields for each of the tabs and objects.
Go to the object:
In Salesforce Lightning Experience, go to Setup > Object Manager, and select the Label of the custom object you want.
In Salesforce Classic interface, go to Setup > Create > Objects, and select the Label of the custom object you want.
Go to the Custom Fields & Relationships section of the page and select New.
Choose the type of field to create, and select Next.
For relationship fields, choose the object you want to associate with it.
Enter a field label.
The field name is automatically constructed using the field label you enter. The field name can contain underscores and alphanumeric characters, and must be unique in your organization. It must begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores. Use the field name for merge fields in custom links, custom s-controls, and to reference the field from the API.
NoteEnsure both the custom field name and label are unique within the object, across both standard and custom fields. Identical values may result in unexpected behavior when you reference the name in a merge field.
If a standard field and custom field match names or labels, merge fields display the value of the custom field.
If two custom fields have matching names or labels, the merge field may display the value of the wrong field.
For example, creating a field label Email with the automatically populated field name Email__c. If there is a standard field Email, the merge field may not distinguish between the standard and custom fields. Make the custom field name and label unique by adding a character to each, such as Email2 and Email2__c, respectively.
Enter any field attributes
For relationship fields optionally create a lookup filter to limit the valid values and lookup dialog results.
Select Next.
Specify the field's access settings for each profile, and select Next.
Access level Enabled settings Users can read and edit the field Visible Users can read but not edit the field Visible and Read-Only Users can't read or edit the field None -
Choose the page layouts you want to display the field as an editable field.
The field is added as the last field in the first two column section on the page layout. For long text area fields, the field is added to the end of the first one column section on the page layout. For user custom fields, the field is automatically added to the bottom of the user detail page.
For relationship fields, choose whether to create a related list displaying information about the associated records. You can choose to put the related list on any page layouts for that object.
To change the label of the custom related list as it will appear on the page layouts of the associated object, edit the Related List Label.
To add the new related list to page layouts already customized by users, check Append related list to users’ existing personal customizations.
Select Save to finish or Save & New to create more custom fields.