Changing the logo and colors displayed in the HR Manager portal

Sage People packages are supplied with a default Sage People logo and theme. The logo is displayed at the top left of all pages in the HR Manager portal.

You can replace the default logo and theme with your own. The new logo file must be:

  • In png, gif, or jpeg formats.

  • Not more than 5MB in size.

  • Ideally not more than 600 x 120 pixels (width x height). Larger images are scaled to fit.

To replace the default logo and theme:

  1. Go to Setup > User Interface > Themes and Branding.

  2. On the Themes and Branding home page select New Theme.

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field What to enter
    Theme Name

    Enter a name for the theme making it easy to identify, such as:

    [Your Company Name] branding

    API Name

    Automatically created by Sage People from the Theme Name. You can edit the API Name if you have a good reason for doing so, but the name must:

    • Be unique across your org.

    • Start with a letter.

    • Include only alphanumeric characters or underscores.

    • Not end with an underscore.

    • Not include two consecutive underscores.

    Description A brief description of the theme.
    Brand Image

    The image file containing the logo to appear at the top left of all pages in the HR Manager portal in place of the Sage People logo.

    Select the field and use the file upload dialog to find and select the image file.

    Brand Color

    Color picker and color code input field. The color you want to use as the base to generate the color palette for your HR Manager portal pages. By default this color acts as a background to the Brand Image and is displayed at the top of all HR Manager portal pages in the navigation bar, above the tab bar.

    Use the color picker to select the color you want or enter the hexadecimal code for the color in the field next to the color picker.

    Accessibility Override Checkbox. Sage People generates a WCAG 2.0 compliant color palette from the Brans Color. If checked, you can partially override the accessible color palette. Bear in mind overriding accessible colors can make text harder to read.
    Use brand image on Lightning Experience loading page Checkbox If checked, the Brand Image is used in place of the Salesforce brand image on Salesforce Lightning Experience pages you pass through on you path to the Sage People HR Manager portal.
    Page Background

    Color picker and color code input field. The color to use as the background for all HR Manager portal pages.

    Use the color picker to select the color you want or enter the hexadecimal code for the color in the field next to the color picker.

    Global Header Background

    Color picker and color code input field. The color to use at the top of all HR Manager portal pages in the navigation bar, above the tab bar, overriding the Brand Color in that location. Typically set to the same value as the Brand Color.

    Use the color picker to select the color you want or enter the hexadecimal code for the color in the field next to the color picker.

    Default Group Avatar

    Image used for Team Members without a photo uploaded.

    Select the field and use the file upload dialog to find and select the image file.

    Leave all other fields with their default values. They are not used by the HR Manager portal.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Select:

    • Preview to generate a preview of your settings. You can continue to edit the values you have entered if you need to make adjustments.

    • Activate to use the theme you have defined across your Sage People HR Manager pages. The theme is added to the list of available themes.