Setting up performance review templates

Performance review templates enable you to create multiple, reusable varieties of performance review. Incorporate the fields you need to capture the data you want to store and analyze for your teams, and maintain the integrity of historical reviews by creating new versions as your processes evolve. You can apply conditions, called constraints, to control when templates are available. Templates are held in the Performance Review Templates library, constraints in the Constraint Library.

Performance review templates offer a more flexible alternative to field sets for configuring the fields displayed to managers and team members through WX performance reviews.

Use templates to support periodic, fixed interval formal reviews, continuous feedback, or a combination of the two.

New Sage People orgs created after July 2018 have 3 performance review templates available as standard: 

Template name Template purpose Manager Review Self Review Additional Details Continuous Feedback
Continuous Feedback Continuous feedback fields only No fields selected No fields selected No fields selected
  • Comments
  • Actions
Formal Review Only A formal performance review, no continuous feedback fields

Selected fields:

  • Strengths
  • Development Needs
  • Training
  • Rating
  • Action Plan

Selected fields:

  • Strengths
  • Development Needs
  • Training
  • Career Aspirations
  • Action Plan
No fields selected No fields selected
Formal Review with Feedback A formal performance review with continuous feedback fields

Selected fields: 

  • Strengths
  • Development Needs
  • Training
  • Rating
  • Action Plan

Selected fields:

  • Strengths
  • Development Needs
  • Training
  • Career Aspirations
  • Action Plan
No fields selected

Selected fields:

  • Comments
  • Actions

To set up performance review templates, follow these steps:

  1. Create one or more performance review templates.

    You can refine your templates iteratively. When ready publish your draft templates.

  2. Define the constraints.
  3. Link templates to the constraints you want to apply.
  4. Set Configure page and policy options as required.

You can:

When completed and published, templates can be selected by the manager in WX when creating a new performance review.

Performance review templates are fully integrated in the Bulk Performance Review process - selected team members are analyzed and legacy or template reviews applied as appropriate.

You can use templated performance reviews in parallel with legacy, non-template reviews. Use policy settings to switch on templates for targeted groups of employees. Employees transitioned to templated reviews can still access their legacy reviews, which remain unchanged.

Fields available for template sections

The following table indicates if fields are available for the performance review template sections:

Field Manager Review Self Review Additional Details
(Read Only)
Continuous Feedback


None None Available None

Action Date

None None Available None

Action Plan

Available Available Available None

Annual Average Competency Score

None None Available None

Annual Average Objective Score

None None Available None

Career Aspirations

Available Available Available None

Competency Score

None None Available None

Development Needs

Available Available; Available None

Is Being Approved

None None Available None

Last Viewed Date

Available Available None None

Last Referenced Date

Available Available None None

Objective Score

None None Available None


Available None Available None

Rating Score

None None Available Available

Rating Score Squared

None None Available None


Available None Available None


None None Available None

Self Review

None Available None None


Available Available Available None


Available Available Available None


None None None Available


None None None Available