People Management Workflow | Create a new field in the HR Request object

Fields with the following data types are supported in People Management Workflow: 

  • lookup. Lookup fields display as picklists where you can also search to filter the options.

  • checkbox

  • date

  • email

  • number

  • percent

  • phone

  • picklist. People Management Workflow continues to support dependent picklists.

  • text

  • text area

  • text area (long)

  • text area (rich)

  • URL

Text fields added to the Combo Fields field set display as closed combo boxes, where the text entered is matched to previously entered values which the user can select, similar to picklists.


At the time of Sage People Y23.3 release, text fields are not available to select for adding to the Combo Fields field set directly, but you can create an alternative field set and use fieldset mapping to override the Combo Fields field set.


This section uses the example of creating a request to modify the Cost Code field on the Employment Record object. By default, Cost Code does not exist as a field on the HR Request object.

The new field must have the same name and type as the field on the host object.


Take care when naming fields used for employment details change requests and use unique field names. If you have a custom field with the exactly same name as a field in the HR Request object as a field provided in the managed package, People Management Workflow can only access the field from the managed package.

For example, to create a Cost Code field on the HR Request object enabling managers to make employment change requests to modify the Cost Code field on the Employment Record:

  1. Go to SetupObject Manager.

  2. To find the correct name and type of the field you are going to set up, select the Field Label for the Employment Record.

    Sage People displays the Custom Object page for the Employment Record.

  3. In the sidebar, select Fields & Relationships and scroll down to the Cost Code field.
  4. Copy the API Name of the Cost Code field:


    and note the Data Type of the field:


  5. Return to the object list and select the Field Label for the HR Request object.

    Sage People displays the Custom Object page for the HR Request.

  6. On the top of the page select New.

    Sage People displays the New Custom Field page, Step 1, Choose the field type.

  7. Select the Data Type corresponding to the field on the host object, in this case Text.

  8. Select Next.

    Sage People displays the New Custom Field page, Step 2, Enter the details.

  9. Complete the fields as follows. Exact details vary depending on the Data Type of the field; for example for a Picklist field you are prompted to enter the picklist values; in all cases, replicate the values held by the host field on the host object. In this case the page displays the fields for a Text Data Type:

    Field Description
    Field Label

    The label to display in the employment details change request for this field. Use the name used in the host object unless you have a good reason to use a different name.

    In this case, enter:

    Cost Code


    The maximum length for the text field. Use the same length as the host field.

    In this case, enter:


    Field Name

    The field name must correspond with the field name of the host field on the host object, with the fHCM2__ prefix and __c suffix removed, and with a prefix to indicate the host object:

    • B_ for Bonus
    • E_ for Employment Record
    • S_ for Salary
    • T_ for Team Member

    In this case enter:



    A brief description of the field's purpose. Include a reference to the host object and field.

    In this case enter:

    Enables the Employment Record Cost Code field to be updated by HR Request

    Help Text Any help text you want to display for HR Managers completing an employment details change request.
    Required Checkbox. Leave unchecked. Use the Required checkbox on the field in the Field Set to ensure the field is completed on an employment details change request before the request can be saved.

    Checkbox. If checked, entered content must be unique. You can select for case sensitivity or case insensitivity.

    External ID Checkbox. Leave unchecked.
    Default Value The default value for this field. Leave blank if you do not want to specify a default value.
  10. Select Next.

    Sage People displays the New Custom Field page, Step 3. Establish field-level security.

  11. Check the boxes to apply the level of access you require for this field.

  12. Select Next.

    Sage People displays the New Custom Field page, Step 4. Add to page layouts.

  13. Typically you want to add the new field to the HR Request record page layout, so accept the default setting.

    If you do not want to add the new field to the HR Request record page layout, uncheck the Add Field checkbox.

  14. Select Save.

    Sage People adds the new field to the list of Fields & Relationships.

  15. Check the Field Label, API Name, and Data Type are correct.

    The API Name must be as you entered it, with __c added as a suffix. In this case:


    If you need to edit any details, select Edit.