Adding a new Group


Sage People Groups are available in addition to Salesforce groups. As an administrator you may have access to both. For Sage People Groups select these tabs from the All Tabs page in Classic Salesforce:

Screenshot of Sage People Group tab icons in the HR Manager Portal

In Salesforce Lightning Experience the icons for the tabs look slightly different:

Icon representing Sage People Groups in Salesforce Lightning Experience Groups

Icon representing Sage People Group Types in Salesforce Lightning Experience Group Types

App Launcher in Salesforce Lightning Experience does not display tab icons.

To set up a new Group of Team Members:

  1. Select the Groups tab.

    Sage People displays the Groups Home page.

  2. Select New.

    Sage People displays the Group Details page:

    Screenshot of New Group page in Salesforce Lightning Experience

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description
    Group Name

    The name you want to use for this Group. Up to 255 characters, not case sensitive. Group Names must be unique.

    Group Name is displayed in the HR Manager portal and in WX.

    Description A brief description of the role of the Group to help you identify it. Up to 255 characters.
    Group Type

    The name of the Group Type. Group Types enable you to associate multiple Groups under a single name.

    Select Group Type Lookup, find and select the Group Type you want.

    To define Group Types, use the Group Types tab.

    Not currently shown in WX.

    Parent Group

    The name of the higher level Group of which this Group forms a part. Parent and child Groups are displayed in a hierarchy.

    A Group can have a single Parent Group; Parent Groups can have multiple child Groups.

    Public Groups in WX display no parent or child hierarchies even if the relationship is set up in HR Manager Portal.

    Start Date

    The first date this Group is available for use. Select the field to display a calendar and select a date, or select today's date to the right of the field.

    Set Start Date:

    • Blank, today, or a past date

      The Group is immediately available.

    • A future date

      The Group is not visible until the future date is today. You can continue to add Team Members to the Group before it becomes current.

    Use Start Date and End Date to control Group visibility for a defined period - for example, scratch teams for a specific company event or reporting period.

    End Date

    The last date this Group is available for use. Select the field to display a calendar and select a date, or select today's date to the right of the field.

    Set End Date:

    • Blank

      The Group remains current until it is deleted or an End Date is added and is today.

    • A past date

      The Group ceases to be visible in WX immediately.

    • Today

      The Group remains available until the end of the day.

    • A future date

      The Group remains available until the end of day of the future date.

    Use Start Date and End Date to control Group visibility for a defined period - for example, scratch teams for a specific company event or reporting period.

    Active Checkbox. If checked and if the Group's Start Date is blank, today or in the past, the Group is visible in WX. If unchecked, the Group remains available through the HR Manager portal but is not visible in WX.
    Access Type

    If Private, the Group is only visible to its members.

    If Public, the Group is visible to all Team Members.

    Defaults to Private.

  4. Select:

    • Save, to save your changes.

      Sage People displays the Group Detail page for you to define Group members and child groups.

    • Cancel, to discard your changes and return to the Groups Home page.
    • Delete, to delete this Group.