Example Overtime Conditions: combined start-end time and hours worked

Apply To Holiday Name Start Time Hours Greater Than Pay Code Description
Weekdays -none- 00:00 0 Night Standard Pay night standard rate for weekday work starting at midnight.
Weekdays -none- 08:00 0 Day Standard Pay day standard rate for weekday work starting at 8am.
Weekdays -none- 20:00 0 Night Standard Pay night standard rate for weekday work starting at 8pm.
Weekdays -none- 00:00 6.00 Night Overtime Pay night overtime rate for weekday hours over 6 when the overtime falls between midnight and the start of the day time period - 8am in this example
Weekdays -none- 08:00 8.00 Day Overtime Pay day overtime rate for weekday hours over 8 when the overtime falls between 8am and the start of the night time period - 8pm in this example.
Weekdays -none- 20:00 6.00 Night Overtime Pay night overtime rate for weekday hours over 6 when the overtime falls between 8pm and the start of the next period - midnight in this example.

You can extend the Overtime Rule with conditions applying to Weekends, Public Holidays, and so on.

Screenshot: Timesheet weekly summary displaying time reported to a number standard and overtime pay codes