Setting up Pay Codes

Each Pay Code represents a single rate of pay and uses:

  • A name for display on WX Timesheets and in Pay Code Lookup.

  • A unique internal code which can be passed through to your payroll provider using Sage People Payflow.

Pay Codes are associated with Overtime Conditions.

A training module with some short videos on different aspects of timesheets, including Pay Codes, is available in Sage University.

To set up a pay code: 

  1. Select the Pay Codes tab.

    Sage People displays the Pay Codes Home page.

  2. Select New.

    Sage People displays the Pay Code Edit page:

    Screenshot: New Pay Code page

  3. Complete the fields as follows:

    Field Description
    Pay Code The name of the pay code. Pay Code is displayed on Timesheets in WX, so make it a clear summary of the purpose of the code, such as Overtime or Double Time.

    An internal code for the pay code. Code is not displayed on Timesheets but can be passed to payroll providers.

    Make sure you enter a unique code for each Pay Code.


    The rate of pay to apply to this Pay Code as a decimal number. For example:

    • For double time enter 2

    • For time and a quarter enter 1.25

    Description A brief description of the Pay Code.
    Hide on Timesheet Checkbox. If checked, the Pay Code is not displayed on Timesheets in WX.
  4. Select:

    • Save to save the Pay Code and display the Pay Code Detail page.

    • Save & New to save this Pay Code and enter another.

    • Cancel to discard your changes.

The Pay Code Detail page displays the information you have entered for this Pay Code and includes a related list with any Overtime Conditions using this Pay Code. When you are first setting up Pay Codes there will be no associated Overtime Conditions; you can add them later from the Pay Code Detail page or through Overtime Rules.

If the Overtime Conditions Related List is not displayed on the Pay Code Detail page:

  1. On the Pay Code Detail page, select Setup, and then select Edit Object.

  2. On the object details page, from the sidebar select Page Layouts, and then select the layout to edit.

  3. On the page layout select Related Lists from the left panel.

  4. Drag and drop the Overtime Conditions Related List label to the Related Lists section of the page.

  5. Select Save.

  6. If you are prompted to overwrite users' Related List customizations:

    Screenshot: Overwrite Users' Related List Customizations? prompt Yes.

    Sage People saves the revised page layout and redisplays the Pay Code Detail page with the Overtime Conditions Related List.