Configuration options

Policy options

  • Timesheet checkbox.

    This is not displayed by default. To make the checkbox visible:

    1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Policy.

    2. Go to Field Sets > Additional Policies and select Edit.

    3. Drag and drop the Timesheet field into the Field Set.

    When displayed in the Policy make sure it is checked.

  • Timesheet Pattern field.

    This is not displayed by default. To make the field visible:

    1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Policy.

    2. Go to Field Sets > Additional Policies and select Edit.

    3. Drag and drop the Timesheet Pattern field into the Field Set.

    When displayed in the Policy make sure a Timesheet Pattern is selected. Leave blank in a Policy used for Managers who do not need to complete Timesheets but need to approve Timesheets for Team Members they manage.

    Screenshot: Timesheet Pattern and Timesheet fields highlighted in the Additional section on a Policy page

  • Work Days Pattern field.

    Overtime Rules and Work Days Pattern work together to define Team Member entitlement to overtime. Make sure the Work Days Pattern field is displayed in the Policy, usually in the Absences - Paid Time Off section, and that a Work Days Pattern is selected.

    Screenshot: Work Days Pattern field in the Absences - Annual Leave section on a Policy page

Field Sets

Timesheet object

Field Set Purpose
Timesheets API Additional Fields

Fields available as additional fields for the Sage People Timesheets API.


To edit these default picklist values:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Object Manager tab.

  2. Select object, select the picklist field, go to the Values related list.

Overtime Condition object

Apply To field

  • All Days

  • Public Holidays

  • Weekends

  • Weekdays

  • Monday

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

  • Saturday

  • Sunday

Timespan field

  • Day

  • Week

  • Timesheet

Overtime Rule object

Multiple Rule Action field

  • Maximum

  • Minimum

  • Add

Timesheet Accrual Contribution object

Contribution field

  • Normal

  • Time in Lieu

Timesheet Pattern object

Entry Type field

  • Pay Code

  • Total Time

  • Work Allocation

  • Start-End Time

Layout field

  • Left

  • Top

Show Overtime Calculations field

  • Team Member

  • Manager

  • HR

Show Overtime Rate field

  • Team Member

  • Manager

  • HR

Timespan field

  • Week

  • Biweek

  • Semimonth

  • Month

Object fields

The following tables list all the objects and constituent fields supplied with the Sage People Time package. The section includes the fields added to Sage People HCM objects when the Time package is installed in your org. Object tables are listed in alphabetical order.

Each table includes:

  • An alphabetical list of all fields where label values can be overridden using Translation Workbench.

  • Field type with any limit on the number of characters.

To rename these custom fields:

  1. Go to Setup and in Quick Find enter Override.

  2. On the Override page select the:

    • Package hosting the object

    • Language

    • Setup Component = Custom Field

    • Object

    • Aspect = Field Label

  3. Enter new values in the Field Label Override column

Absence object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Seniority Lookup (Absence Accrual Seniority)
Action Formula (Text)
Action Date Formula (Date)
Actual Arrival Date Date
Alert Trigger Checkbox
Approval Date Date
Approved Checkbox
Back To Work Interview Date Date
Back To Work Interview Required Checkbox
Certified Date Date
Confirmed Date Date
Days Taken By Partner Number (6,0)
Days/Hours Number (3,2)
Earliest Parental Leave End Formula (Date)
Earliest Parental Leave Start Formula (Date)
Employment Record Master-Detail (Employment Record)
End Date Date
End Date Provisional Checkbox
Evidence Trigger Checkbox
Expected Arrival Date Date
Is Parental Leave Checkbox
Is Private Checkbox
Last Modified Accrued Balance Number (4,2)
Last Modified Reason Rolling Days/Hours Number (5,2)
Last Modified Type Rolling Days/Hours Number (5,2)
Last Modified Type Year Days/Hours Number (5,2)
Latest Parental Leave End Formula (Date)
Latest Parental Leave Start Formula (Date)
Manager Action Formula (Text)
Manager Action Date Formula (Date)
Medical Certificate Required Checkbox
Months Since End Formula (Number)
Notes Long Text Area (32000)
Notification Date Date
Notification Type Picklist
Paid Checkbox
Pay Code Text (255)
Picture Text (20)
Rate Units Formula (Text)
Reason Picklist
Rejected Date Date
Return Intent Picklist
Self Certificate Required Checkbox
Show Team Formula (Text)
Start Date Date
Status Formula (Text)
Still Birth Checkbox
Team Member Formula (Text)
Team Member Name Formula (Text)
Type Formula (Text)


Absence Accrual object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Pattern Name Formula (Text)
Absence Accrual Rule Lookup (Absence Accrual Rule)
Accrual Number (4,4)
Carry Over Number (4,4)
Effective Date Date
Employment Master-Detail (Employment Record)
Next Accrual Number (4,4)
Reason Formula (Text)
Time in Lieu Number (4,4)
Type Formula (Text)


Absence Accrual Pattern object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Hide Absence Detail Checkbox
Hours to Days Conversion Factor Number (2,3)
Inherits From Lookup (Absence Accrual Pattern)
Rate Units Picklist


Absence Accrual Rule object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Pattern Master-Detail Relationship (Absence Accrual Pattern)
Accrue During Paid Absence Picklist
Accrue During Unpaid Absence Picklist
Additional Fieldset Text (80)
Adjust Base for FTE Checkbox
Adjust Carry Over for FTE Checkbox
Adjust Limits for FTE Checkbox
Adjust Minimum Accrual for FTE Checkbox
Adjust Rate for FTE Checkbox
Alert Message Text (255)
Base Date Date
Block Message Text (255)
Carry Over Months Number (2,0)
Deduct Order Text (255)
Default Checkbox
End Date Provisional Default Checkbox
End Part Period Picklist
Entitlement End Number (3,0)
Entitlement End Immediately Checkbox
Entitlement Message Text (255)
Entitlement Start Number (3,0)
Entitlement Start Immediately Checkbox
Evidence Message Text (255)
Front Load Checkbox
Is Paid Checkbox
Is Parental Leave Checkbox
Is Private Default Checkbox
Is Sickness Absence Checkbox
Length Limit In Calendar Days Checkbox
Parental Leave Message Text (255)
Pay Code Picklist
Rate Per Picklist
Reason Text (80)
Reset Day Picklist
Reset Month Picklist
Reset On Service Anniversary Checkbox
Rolling Months Number (3,0)
Rounding Mode Picklist
Rounding to Nearest Number (5,4)
Seniority Change on Reset Checkbox
Show Accrual Log Checkbox
Show Accrued Balance Checkbox
Show Accrued Total Checkbox
Show Calculated Days Checkbox
Show Carry Over Checkbox
Show Carry Over Year End Totals Checkbox
Show Carryover Payout Checkbox
Show Details Section Checkbox
Show Details Section Hours Checkbox
Show End Date Provisional Checkbox
Show Pending Absence For Colleagues Checkbox
Show Rate Per Year Checkbox
Show Rate Per Year Pro Rata Checkbox
Show Time In Lieu Checkbox
Show Total Available Carry Over Checkbox
Show Year End Balance Checkbox
Start Part Period Picklist
Type Picklist
Use Accrual From Previous Year Checkbox
Use Dependant Relationship Picklist
Use Rounding Checkbox
Zero Negative Accrual On Reset Checkbox


Absence Accrual Rule object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Accrual Record Years Number (2,0)
Exclude from Daily Absence Reporting Checkbox
Show Details Section Checkbox
Show Details Section Hours Checkbox
Vacation Attachments Checkbox


Absence Accrual Seniority object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Rule Master-Detail (Absence Accrual Rule)
Alert Maximum Length Number (4,2)
Alert Maximum Occurrences Number (4,0)
Alert Maximum Total Number (4,2)
Alert Minimum Accrual Number (4,2)
Alert Minimum Year End Number (4,2)
Block Maximum Length Number (4,2)
Block Maximum Occurrences Number (4,0)
Block Maximum Total Number (4,2)
Block Minimum Accrual Number (4,2)
Block Minimum Year End Number (4,2)
Earliest Parental Leave End Number (3,0)
Earliest Parental Leave Start Number (3,0)
Evidence Maximum Length Number (4,2)
Evidence Maximum Occurrences Number (4,2)
Evidence Maximum Total Number (4,2)
Latest Parental Leave End Number (3,0)
Latest Parental Leave Start Number (3,0)
Maximum Accrual Number (4,2)
Maximum Carry Over Number (4,2)
Rate Number (4,4)
Rate Base Number (4,2)
Seniority Number (10,0)


Absence Accrual Seniority object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Hours For Maximum Accrual Number (10,2)


Absence Adjustment object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Rule Lookup (Absence Accrual Rule)
Employment Record Master-Detail (Employment Record)
End Date Date
Rate Adjust Number (4,4)
Rate Rule Picklist
Rationale Text Area (255)
Reason Formula (Text)
Start Date Date
Type Formula (Text)


Absence Balance object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Reason Text (255)
Absence Type Text (255)
Accrual Number (16,2)
Annual Allowance Number (16,2)
Annual Allowance Pro Rata Number (16,2)
Available Carry Over Number (16,2)
Carry Over Number (16,2)
Employment Master-Detail (Employment Record)
Next Accrual Number (16,2)
Report Date Date
Taken Number (16,2)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
TOIL Number (16,2)
Year End Balance Number (16,2)
Year End Carry Over Number (16,2)
Year End TOIL Number (16,2)
Year Start Accrual Number (16,2)
Year Start Carry Over Number (16,2)
Year Start TOIL Number (16,2)


Absence Balance Carry Over object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Balance Master-Detail (Absence Balance)
Amount Number (16,2)
Expiry Date Date


Absence Carryover Bucket object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Master-Detail (Absence Accrual)
Amount Number (4,4)
Expiry Date Date


Absence Day Record object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Master-Detail (Absence)
Day Date
Day of Month Formula (Number)
Duration Number (4,2)
Month of Year Formula (Text)
Weekday Formula (Number)
Year Formula (Text)


Accrual Balance object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Rule Lookup (Absence Accrual Rule)
Absence Reason Formula (Text)
Absence Type Formula (Text)
Annual Allowance Number (16,2)
Annual Allowance Pro Rata Number (16,2)
Available Carry Over Number (16,2)
Current Accrual Number (16,2)
Current Carry Over Number (16,2)
Current Next Accrual Number (16,2)
Current TOIL Number (16,2)
Employment Record Master-Detail (Employment Record)
Report Date Date
Taken Number (16,2)
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
Year Formula (Text)
Year End Accrual Number (16,2)
Year End Carryover Number (16,2)
Year End TOIL Number (16,2)
Year Number Number (4,0)
Year Start Accrual Number (16,2)
Year Start Carryover Number (16,2)
Year Start TOIL Number (16,2)


Accrual Balance Carry Over object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Accrual Balance Master-Detail (Accrual Balance)
Amount Number (16,2)
Expiry Date Date


Employment Record object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Shift Pattern Lookup (Shift Pattern)
Timesheet Pattern Lookup (Timesheet Pattern)


Overtime Condition object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Reason Text (255)
Additional Pay Code Checkbox
Apply To Picklist
Calculated Read-Only Checkbox
Code Formula (Text)
Holiday Name Text (255)
Hours Greater Than Number (5,4)
Ignore Following Rules If Matched Checkbox
Include Public Holidays Checkbox
Order Number (5,1)
Overtime Rule Master-Detail (Overtime Rule)
Part Of Lookup (Overtime Condition)
Pay Code Lookup (Pay Code)
Rate Formula (Number)
Rollup Group Text (80)
Start Time Text (5)
Timespan Picklist


Overtime Rule object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Active Checkbox
Minimum Hours For Consecutive Day Number (2,2)
Multiple Rule Action Picklist


Pay Code object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Code Text (80)
Description Long Text Area (32768)
Hide on Timesheet Checkbox
Rate Number (5,4)


Policy object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Shift Pattern Lookup (Shift Pattern)
Timesheet Checkbox
Timesheet Pattern Lookup (Timesheet Pattern)


Time Report object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Lookup (Absence)
Amount Formula (Currency)
Break Times Text (255)
Code Text (80)
Comment Text (255)
Duration Number (5,2)
End Time Text (5)
Rate Number (5,2)
Rate Duration Formula (Number)
Report Date Date
Start Time Text (5)
Timesheet Master-Detail (Timesheet)
Unit Amount Currency (14,2)
Work Allocation Lookup (Work Allocation)
Work Location Lookup (Work Location)


Time Report object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Overtime Condition Lookup (Overtime Condition)


Time Segment object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Containing Working Day Master-Detail (Working Day)
Duration Text (5)
End Time Text (5)
Non-Working Checkbox
Sequence Number (4,0)
Start Time Text (5)


Timesheet object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Amount Roll-Up Summary (SUM Time Report)
Approved Date Date
Duration Roll-Up Summary (SUM Time Report)
Employment Master-Detail (Employment Record)
End Date Date
Manager Action Formula (Text)
Manager Action Date Formula (Date)
Paid Date Date
Rate Duration Roll-Up Summary (SUM Time Report)
Start Date Date
Submitted Date Date


Timesheet object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Action Timestamp Date/Time
Timesheet Pattern Lookup (Timesheet Pattern)


Timesheet Accrual Contribution object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Absence Accrual Rule Lookup (Absence Accrual Rule)
Contribution Picklist
Overtime Condition Lookup (Overtime Condition)


Timesheet Comment object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Author Lookup (Team Member)
Comment Text Text Area (255)
Timesheet Master-Detail (Timesheet)


Timesheet Comment object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Comment Date Date


Timesheet Pattern object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Base Date Date
Enable Day Comments Checkbox
Enable Summary Comments Checkbox
Entry Type Picklist
Has Additional Pay Codes Checkbox
Hide Additional Pay Code Prefix in WX Checkbox
Layout Picklist
Overtime Rule Lookup (Overtime Rule)
Show Active Work Allocation Checkbox
Show Overtime Calculations Picklist
Show Overtime Rates Picklist
Snap To Step Time Checkbox
Step Time Minutes Number (3,0)
Time Periods Number (1,0)
Timespan Picklist


Work Allocation object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Active Checkbox
Area Text (255)
Code Text (80)
Description Long Text Area (32768)


Work Allocation Assignment object (Time)

Default Field Label Field Type
Add To Timesheet Checkbox
Order Number (5,0)
Timesheet Pattern Master-Detail (Timesheet Pattern)
Work Allocation Master-Detail (Work Allocation)


Work Days Holiday object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Basis Picklist
Date Date
Day Picklist
Month Picklist
Non Workday Action Picklist
Recurring Checkbox
Weekday Picklist
Work Days Pattern Master-Detail (Work Days Pattern)


Work Days Pattern object (HCM)
Default Field Label Field Type
Friday Checkbox
Monday Checkbox
Saturday Checkbox
Sunday Checkbox
Thursday Checkbox
Tuesday Checkbox
Wednesday Checkbox


Working Day object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Config Status Text (80)
Total Working Duration Text (5)
Version Number (4,0)


Working Day Assignment object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Day Sequence Number Number (3,0)
Work Schedule Master-Detail (Work Schedule)
Working Day Lookup (Working Day)


Work Schedule object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Average Annual Duration Text (7)
Average Monthly Duration Text (6)
Average Weekly Duration Text (6)
Base Date Date
Config Status Text (80)
Version Number (4,0)


Work Schedule Employment Assignment object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
Employment Lookup (Employment Record)
End Date Date
Exclude From FTE Calculation Checkbox
Start Date Date
Work Schedule Lookup (Work Schedule)


Work Schedule Policy Assignment object (Time)
Default Field Label Field Type
End Date Date
Exclude From FTE Calculation Checkbox
Policy Lookup (Policy)
Start Date Date
Work Schedule Lookup (Work Schedule)

Record Types

Absence object:

  • Absence

  • Vacation

Action Events


When sent


When a Timesheet is approved.


When a Timesheet is saved.


When a Timesheet is created.


When a Timesheet is rejected.

Submit When a Timesheet is submitted for approval.