Organization wide email addresses

Organization wide email addresses support the use of shared email aliases for outbound email from your org. When organization wide email addresses have been defined, users can select a shared email address to use as the sender and reply-to address, instead of their personal accounts. Organization wide addresses can be associated with Salesforce profiles and permission sets, so you can assign different org wide email addresses to specific groups of users.

An organization wide email address can be set up as a noreply address. Noreply email addresses are used for emails sent from processes when no reply is expected.

For more information refer to Salesforce help on how to set up an organization wide email address. Make sure you verify the email address, otherwise emails cannot be sent.

Package configuration pages provide an option to select an organization wide email address as the sender for the following Sage People processes: 

  • Password reset

  • Actions digest

  • Applicant Portal emails

For more information, see HCM Configure page settings and Candidate Portal options.

For more information on using Salesforce to send emails for your Sage People processes refer to Salesforce help topic Send through Salesforce.