Object fields: DocuSign configuration

DocuSign Configuration object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

DocuSign Account ID

Text (80)

DocuSign API Endpoint Text (255)
Password Text (80)
Use Send On Behalf Of Checkbox
Username Text (255)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields


DocuSign Envelope object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Completed Date

Text (30)

Decline Date Text (30)
Decline Reason Long Text Area (500)
Employment Record Lookup (Employment Record)
Envelope Formula (Text)
Envelope ID Text (40) (External ID) (Unique Case Insensitive)
Envelope Status Text (40)
Message Long Text Area (500)
Sender Text (100)
Sender Email Text (255)
Sent Date Date/Time
Team Member Lookup (Team Member)
Template ID Text (40)
Template Name Text (100)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields


DocuSign Integrator Key object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Integrator Key

Text (80)

Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields


DocuSign Supported Object object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type

Envelope Lookup Field

Text (80) (Unique Case Insensitive)

Object API Name Text (80) (Unique Case Insensitive)
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields


DocuSign Template object (HCM)

Default Field Label

Field Type


Long Text Area (2000)

Email Message Long Text Area (2000)
Email Subject Text (100)
Envelope Lookup Field Text (80)
Return to Object Text (255)
Return to Object ID Text (255)
Role Count Roll-Up Summary (COUNT Recipient Role)
Send From Object Text (255)
Template Formula (Text)
Template ID Text (40) (External ID) (Unique Case Insensitive)
Template Name Text (100)
Template Status Picklist
Use Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Translation Workbench > Override, or in Salesforce Classic interface, Setup > Administration Setup > Translation Workbench > Override to rename these custom fields