Wonderlic external test process

  1. Wonderlic sends an email invitation to complete the test to the Candidate. The email includes a link to the Wonderlic test site.
  2. On the Candidate Portal the external test link appears in the list for the candidate to complete.
  3. Recruit creates an External Test Result record and displays it in the External Tests Related List on the Application.

    The External Test Result includes a Status field. Status can be:

    • In Progress

      From the start of the process until superseded by a different Status. When External Test Result is In Progress, you can use a workflow to send an email to the Candidate with a link to the Candidate Portal.

    • Partial Results Ready

      When the first assessment in the test has been completed. Wonderlic notifies Recruit and Recruit creates a New External Test Assessment record. External Test Assessments are added to the External Test Assessments Related List on the External Test Result.

    • All Results Ready

      When all assessments in the test have been completed. You can request the results from Wonderlic by selecting Get Results on the External Test Result Detail page.

    • Error

      The Test was unable to complete. An email is sent to your Administrator.

  4. The Candidate follows the link, completes any preliminary screens required by the test, and then completes the test.
  5. On completion, the External Test Result is updated with a Completed Date.
  6. When the results are returned by Wonderlic, you can view them by selecting Get Results on the External Test Result Detail page.

    • Recruit automatically creates External Test Assessments as results are received.
    • Results for Parameters as defined in the External Test Measurement are extracted and used to update matching criteria on the Stage Assessment to continue the selection process.
    • You can also create External Test Assessments manually if you wish; typicaly, manual creation is not necessary.