Adding, deleting and moving sections

On the PDF Template page, each section has a set of control buttons:

Screenshot: Available buttons for a section: New, Delete, First, Up, Down, Last

Use the buttons as follows:

Button Description


Inserts a new section below the current section. There is no limit to the number of sections you can have in a PDF template.

Use the Layout options to control breaks associated with each section.


Deletes the current section.

You are asked to confirm deletion:

  • Select OK if you are sure.
  • Select Cancel to return to the PDF Template page without deleting the section.


Moves the current section to appear first in the template, immediately following the Header on the first page of the document when it is rendered as a PDF.


Moves the current section up one position in the main section content.


Moves the current section down one position in the main section content.


Moves the current section to appear last in the template, immediately before the Footer on the last page of the document when it is rendered as a PDF.