System Reports

System reports help you to analyze uptake and usage of the system, including user activity, summaries of your HR departments, public holidays, work days patterns, action events, and policy overrides. Includes some reports to assist with data integrity checking.



HR Departments with Managers HR Departments, grouped by Policy and HR Manager

Skills Certification Expiration

Report showing skills listed for each team member, with expiration dates.

Users Logged in Last 30 Days

Which users logged in to the system in the last 30 days? Includes the time and date of the user's last login, and the user's department.
Active Users All active users in your org with summary information and last login date and time.
Users Cumulative Logins Total number of logins by Username with department, division, and job title, over a time period chosen by you. Includes a line graph showing the sum of active users by date of last login.
User Adoption Analysis of last login data with name, department, division, username and job title, over a time period chosen by you. Includes a pie chart
Login Wall of Shame Active users who have not logged in in the last 30 days. Includes a bar chart.
Logins Last 30 Days Active users who have logged in in the last 30 days, includes a bar chart showing the number of logins for each username.
Team Member Internal Comms Score Shows team members who have responded to your internal communications, grouped by the name of the internal communication.
Work Days Patterns with Holidays Shows public holidays for each work days pattern, including the details of each holiday.
Work Days Patterns Details of each work days pattern for your organization.
Action Events Action Events grouped by Action Event Pattern.
Team Members with Overrides Team members that have policy overrides.
HR Departments and Policy Details of your HR Departments, Policies, hours per policy, Work Days Patterns, Absence Accrual Patterns, and Timesheet patterns.
Data Integrity Salary Details Data integrity report to facilitate checking salary details for your employees.
Data Integrity Personal Details Data integrity report to facilitate checking personal details for your employees.
Data Integrity Employment Details Data integrity report to facilitate checking employment details for your employees.
Prejoiner Data Integrity Data integrity report to facilitate checking personal information from employees who have not yet started.
Team Members Internal Comms Confirm Details of the internal communications that have and have not been confirmed by your team members.