HR Admin Reports

HR admin reports show information such as benefit enrollment, leavers, probation period, skills, and new starters.



Benefit Enrollment by Team Member

Report showing the benefit enrollments for each team member, including:

  • Benefit type

  • Plan

  • Policy coverage

  • Provider

  • Start date

  • Employee contribution

  • Employer contribution

  • Employee percentage contribution

  • Employer percentage contribution

  • Currency

Benefit Enrollment by Record Type

Report showing the team member enrollments for each benefit type, including:

  • Team Member

  • Plan

  • Policy coverage

  • Provider

  • Start date

  • Employee contribution

  • Employer contribution

  • Employee percentage contribution

  • Employer percentage contribution

  • Currency

Leavers Next 30 Days

All team members with an employment end date in the next 30 days, including:

  • Team Member name

  • Employment start date

  • Employment end date

  • Tenure range

  • Leaver category

  • Reason for leaving

  • Location

  • Country

  • Manager

  • Manager status

  • Direct reports

Probations ending in next 30 days

Team members whose probation period ends within the next 30 days, including:

  • Team Member name

  • Job title

  • Work location

  • Employment basis

  • Hours worked

  • Manager

  • Probation status

  • Probation end date

Team Member Education History

Current team members' education history, including:

  • Team Member name

  • Function

  • Country

  • Business

  • Division

  • Job Title

  • Qualification

  • Fields of study

  • Institution name

  • End date

Team Members with Experience Report

Current team members' employment history, including:

  • Team Member name

  • Job title

  • Function

  • Country

  • Business

  • Division

  • Company Name

  • Title

  • Manager

  • Start date

  • End date

New Starters Next Month

New team members whose start date is in the next calendar month, including:

  • Team Member name

  • Job title

  • Work location

  • Employment basis

  • Hours worked

  • Manager

Employment History with Manager Notes Displays manager notes for each team member. Includes a graphic displaying the number of records for each process.