Performance Management

Performance management reports help you to track how your employees are performing against their objectives, to report on employee recognition, and to track those employees who are performing well and those whose performance needs development.



Objectives Tracking

How are our team members progressing toward their objectives? This report displays team member objectives and statuses, and includes:

  • HR Department

  • Objective name

  • Team Member name

  • Status

  • Strategic objective

Presented as a table and a stacked bar chart.

Performance Review Distribution

Current performance review ratings summarized by country. The report shows the number of Team Members rated in each category from Development Need to Exceeds Expectations, broken down by country and with the total number of rated Team Members in each country.

The report includes a bar chart showing rating category by country.

Performance Review Status

Performance review statuses for each team member, including:

  • Performance review reference #

  • Team Member name

  • Manager

Includes a graphic displaying the number of performance reviews in each status.

Performance by Department

Average performance scores drawn from completed performance reviews and summarized by HR Department.

Performance Review - Development Need Employees with poor performance review ratings, split by country. Includes a graphic showing the number and percentage split of low performing employees in each country.
Team Member with Recognition by Name

Employees who have received recognition in the current calendar month, including:

  • Recognition given to (name)

  • Type of recognition

  • Date recognition was given

  • Recognized for

  • Recognition given by

  • Reason

Team Member with Recognition by Type

Employees who have received recognition in the current calendar month, grouped by recognition type, including:

  • Type of recognition

  • Date recognition was given

  • Recognition given to (name)

  • Recognition given by

  • Reason

Team Member with Recognition by Org Unit

Employees who have received recognition in the current calendar month, grouped by division, including:

  • Division

  • Type of recognition

  • Recognition given to (name)

  • Date recognition was given

  • Recognized for

  • Recognition given by

Displayed as a table and a graphic.

Performance - Exceeds Expectations Employees with a performance rating of exceeds expectations, with a count and percentage split by country. Presented as a table and bar chart.

Objectives by action due

Objectives summarized by action: manager approve or edit; manager review; team member confirm or edit and so on.

The report includes:

  • Team Member department and manager
  • Objective name.
  • Objective start and end dates.
  • Next objective review date.