Booking an absence

To book time off for yourself:

  1. In the menu select the Time Off process. This process might be named absences, vacation & absence, or something else in your organization:

    Screenshot: select the time off process

  2. Select New, or using the calendar, select the start and end dates for your time off.

    Screenshot: booking an absence using the absence calendar

    If you are booking time off and you are unsure of the end date - for example, for sickness, just select the start date.

    Sage People displays the New Absence dialog:

    Screenshot: New Absence dialog

    Duration is automatically calculated. The system calculates the hours or days in the request with respect to your configured work schedule and non-working days. If the value is wrong you can amend it.

    If your request coincides with time off requests for other members of your team, you can select the chevron to see the details:

    Screenshot: Expanded Coincides with section

  3. Select the Reason picklist and choose the reason for your time off:

    Screenshot: Selecting a reason for the time off

    Time off reasons are those available for your organization and display fields appropriate for each reason. For example, booking maternity leave can display fields for Expected and Actual Arrival Dates, Return Intent, and the option to upload a supporting document.

    Provisional end dates

    Some absences, such as sick leave, can give you the option to set the end date as provisional. You can amend the absence request later, when you know the date that you will return to work, or your manager can set the end date when you return.

    Screenshot: setting a provisional end date for an absence

    File upload

    Some absences, such as sick leave, always display the Supporting file option, and other absence reasons can also include it. Supporting file enables you to upload a file, such as a doctor's note, a sick note, a medical certificate, or other document providing information about the absence required by your organization. You can upload one attachment per absence request. Your manager can view the attachment when they approve your absence. To attach a supporting document, select Choose File. WX displays the file explorer on your computer so you can select a file to attach. After you have selected the file, its file name (DoctorsNote.pdf in the following screenshot) is displayed:

    Screenshot: Supporting file displays its file name and Remove button

    If this is not the file you wanted, select Remove to select another file.

    Add to Outlook calendar

    Depending on your organization's configuration, some absences allow you to select whether to add the absence to your Outlook calendar. If you have this option, the Add to Outlook Calendars box is selected by default.

    Screenshot: add to outlook calendar option

    With the option selected, when the absence is approved, an event will be added to your calendar, and your manager will receive an invite for the absence event in their own calendar. You can clear the Add to Outlook Calendars box to disable calendar events for this absence request.

    Absence balance and notes

    Sage People displays balance information and a space where you can add Notes:

    Screenshot: The lower part of the New Absence dialog, showing Duration, collapsed balance section, collapsed coincides with section. and Notes field


    If you are booking an absence in the past, balance details are not displayed.

    Select the arrow to display full balance details:

    Screenshot: Expanded time off balance section

  4. Enter any notes you want to add to the request. Notes are displayed to your manager when you submit the request.

  5. Select Save.

After saving, the request is submitted to your manager for approval. The request is displayed on your calendar as Pending until approved:

Screenshot: Pending time off request in the absence calendar

When approved, your calendar display changes:

Screenshot: Approved time off request in the absence calendar

Change or delete an absence request

You can edit a pending request by adding notes, but you cannot change the start or end dates, or the reason for the request. To change the date or reason, delete the pending request and submit a new request.

If you need to amend the details for a request after it has been approved, you must delete it and submit a new request.

To retract a request for a future absence, select the absence in your calendar and select Delete.

Screenshot: delete an absence request