Example: Maternity leave

Limits may be set by employment law in each country where your organization operates. This example assumes maternity leave:

  • Can start no earlier than 30 days before, and no later than 15 days before the expected arrival date.

  • Can end no earlier than 20 days after, and no later than 180 days after the actual arrival date.

  • Is the same for all employees regardless of seniority.

In the Absence Accrual Seniority attached to the Rule for Maternity leave, set the field values as follows:

  • Earliest Parental Leave Start: 30

  • Earliest Parental Leave End: 20

  • Latest Parental Leave Start: 15

  • Latest Parental Leave End: 180

When expected and actual arrival dates are the same, these limits mean a period of maternity leave can be no less than 35 days (15 + 20) and no more than 210 days (30 + 180). In practice, expected and actual arrival dates often differ because the child can arrive earlier or later than expected. Consequently, the duration of maternity leave can vary.

Illustration: Timeline with parental leave start dates with reference to expected arrival date

Illustration: Time line with parental leave end dates with reference to the actual arrival date