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Details section
In the Details section you can:
- Select Vacancy name for the full vacancy record.
- Select Candidate name for any other applications made by the candidate.
- Select Current Stage for details of the current Vacancy Selection Stage for this Application.
- Select Resume,if displayed, to open the resume submitted to support this application.
- Select Cover Letter, if displayed, to open the cover letter submitted with this application.
The Cover Letter field is not displayed by default and must be added to the Application Details Field Set on the Application object.
You can also use the buttons:
- Edit
Displays the Application Edit page for you to make changes.
- Delete
Deletes the Application and all associated records. You are asked to confirm.
- Email
Displays the Send Email page for you to select an Email template and define the details of the email you want to send to the Candidate.
- Show To Hiring Manager
Enables the nominated Hiring Manager to view this application.
- Add to Queue / Remove from Queue
Adds the Application to an Assessment Queue. If the Application is in a queue this button displays as Remove from Queue.
The In Queue checkbox in the Application Details is automatically selected when the Application is added to the Assessment Queue.
- Job Offer
Displays the Make Offer page for you to enter the details of the offer you wish to make to the candidate for this application.