Applications overview

An application is the record of a candidate applying for a vacancy. The three objects - vacancy, candidate, and application - are the core of the Sage People structured recruitment and interview process.

Create new applications when entering new candidates manually or to consider a candidate for an alternative vacancy. Applications are also created automatically when Candidates apply for Vacancies through:

  • Job Boards
  • Candidate Portals
  • Agency Portals
  • Emails from candidates, with the vacancy number in the subject line.

An application consists of one or more assessments corresponding to each of the selection stages defined for the vacancy. Each assessment rates the Candidate against the selection criteria to be examined at that stage of the process. The assessor can then:

  • Pass the candidate to the next stage.
  • Place the candidate on hold.
  • Reject the candidate.

Sage People sets the status of the application to match the assessor's decision.

To see how far an application has progressed and assessors views of the candidate, go to the application details page. Drill down into any assessment to see more information.