Displaying Payflow batch details

To display the Payflow Batch Detail page for a completed batch, on the Payflow Service page for the service, select the batch number:

Sage People displays the Payflow Batch Detail page.

Change the Batch Detail page layout

To change the fields or related lists displayed on the page:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager.
  2. Select the Payflow Batch object.
  3. Select Page Layouts.
  4. Select the Payroll Batch Layout.
  5. On the Payflow Batch Layout screen, select Fields or Related Lists from the left panel.
  6. Select the fields or related lists you require and drag them to the page layout
  7. Select Save.

Available Related Lists include:

  • Files
  • Inbound Staging Lines

    Gives access to posting detail for uploads using Staging.

  • Notes
  • Notes & Attachments

    Consider using the Files and Notes related lists in preference to Notes & Attachments.

  • Payflow Batches
  • Payflow Batch Errors
  • Payflow Lines

    Gives access to posting detail for uploads using Payflow Lines.

Available fields include:

  • Batch Number
  • Batch End
  • Batch Start
  • Created By
  • Disable Changes
  • Last Batch
  • Last Modified By
  • Pay Date
  • Payroll Service
  • Period End Date
  • Period Start Date